Chapter 9

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"Okay, really, WHERE is Batman?! Does he not want to save Gotham City!!?"

"It's only been eight minutes, Mr. J."

Joker blinks and runs over to Harley to look at her watch: 10:44.
"Oh." He gives a nervous chuckle. "I guess time only flies when your having fun!" He laughs again before completely slumping on the side of the machine. He sighs.

"I miss him so much...."

Harley laughs and goes over to Joker, patting him on the back.
"I'm sure he misses you just as much, and is rushing to get-"

"HEY JOKER! Guess who's here to stop you?" A husky voice shouts at them from the sky.

Joker audibly gasps in delight before furrowing his eyebrows and jumping up to glare at him up in his Batplane.

"Batman! Come to foil my plans again? Well, we'll see who's Bubble gets Burst first!"

Batman can almost hear past all of that what Joker really wants to say:
"Batman!! Im so happy your here!! I missed you, did you miss me??"
Batman grins to himself and shouts out another retort.
"Prepare to Chew on your own words, Joker!!" He gives the man a charming wink before speeding off to place harpoons on every rooftop.

Joker gives a swoony breath and leans against the machine.
"He winked at mee!~"
Harley blushes and sighs, a sweet grin crossing her lips.
"You two are just much too adorable."

Batman pilots the Batplane over a building rooftop and drops out a harpoon, watching it land perfectly.
"Robin!" Go down there and work that harpoon!"
"You can count on me Padre!" Robin leaps out of his seat and lands in front of the harpoon, grabbing the handles and focusing on Joker's bubble machine.

Batman quickly bursts over to another building near the Joker's, dropping another harpoon and looking over at Barbara.
"You take this one, okay?"
"Got it." She jumps down and copies Robin, happy that she took that trip to Antarctica and learned how to harpoon. She's also happy that iceberg she broke while doing it didn't drown her.

Batman finally lands himself on the building closest to the Joker, dragging out a harpoon and aiming it in the general vicinity of the Joker. He makes absolutely sure the nozel isn't pointed directly at him.

"Are you ready to get totally creamed, Joker??"

Joker looks down at Batman and blushes, giving a giddy yip before responding, eyebrows crawling down.
"We will see who's in the sticky situation very soon, Batman~!"

He blows his dark-dressed lover a kiss, hidden from Robin and Barbara. Batman blushes super hard under the mask and catches it, pressing it to his lips. He feels kinda funny at the girly motion, but it's all worth it when he sees how flustered and excited it makes Joker. He can practically see him sweating through his shirt.

Suddenly the door to the rooftop bursts open and every other villian in Gotham City steps onto the roof, carrying as many dynamite sticks as they can, some even using their teeth.

"Ah! The Cavalry has arrived! Prepare to he Blown away, Batman and co.! For the party can't start, without the Balloons~!"

The Riddler steps up to the machine beside the Joker, who hops into the seat joyfully, and lights the stick of dynamite, tossing it into the ammo slot and watching as it is suddenly burst out of the machine inside of a bright pink bubble, but once it's out a few feet, it just drifts like a regular balloon. A ticking time bomb-balloon.

Batman watches as it floats towards Robin.
"Robin! 'Poon that Balloon!"
"On it, Padre!" He launches the harpoon right at the balloon, and it pops and becomes stuck to the metal spike, the dynamite inside stuck as well. Robin retracts it and quickly snuffs out the flame. The plan worked. Now they just have to pop every last balloon and put out every stick of dynamite until the Joker doesn't have a leg to stand on.

One after another, The Joker shoots off bubble after bubble with sticks of dynamite happily sitting inside, waiting to cause chaos to whatever they happen to stick to. Some of them stick together in the air, only making it easier for Robin, Barbara and Batman to pike them like french king's heads. The Joker lets out his maniacal squeals of laughter, only making Batman turn to him and smile as his lover seems to have the time of his life.

Every villian steps up to light the dynamite and toss it into the ammo slot as fast as possible, making our three heros struggle to pop every balloon and snuff out every stick of dynamite. But sooner than they know, there is no dynamite left for the Joker to blast, and he looks around at the others.

"What? We used it all already? Oh, but i was having so much fun! ...Oh well. This isn't the last of me, Batman~! You of all people should know that." He dashes over to Harley Quinn's blimp and jumps onto the top belly-first, still giggling in delight as they float off into the night like a bloated cloud.

"Batman, quick! Harpoon the blimp so we ca-"

"Let em go, Barbara. We have a lot left to clean up. Besides, he'll be back."

Barbara looks at him, starting to get really confused. "Why do you let him go every time? I mean sure, your duality is famed across the nation, know he can just break out again, right? Nobody is above the law."

"It's not about that, Barbara. If i knew how to explain it to you, i would. But let's get this bubble gum cleaned up so we can all go home and get some rest."

After a few long hours of packing away dynamite in the Bat Cave and disposing of the many pounds of bubble gum, Barbara heads home, and Batman sits Robin in the Batplane and flies back to Wayne Manor.

"So you still won't tell Barbara, Dad?"
"Not yet, Richard. There's gonna be a day where i'm going to have to, and right now.....i feel like that's the only good time to tell her. Doing it early would be....out of place. But hey, did you have fun today?"
"You bet your beatles I did! It's way more fun now that i know he's not actually trying to kill us. And the fact that you two think of these plans together!"
Batman nods. "Yup. I'm glad your not discouraged or wierded out by it too. I think I would be if I wasn't.....what I am."

"You mean a......fruitbowl?"

Batman holds his breath before laughing, almost hysterically, before catching his breath and letting out an amused sigh.
"Yeah Robin. That's what i mean. C'mere you rascal."

Batman proceeds to give Robin a one-handed noogie, thinking about how his Joker once again knocked it out of the park.

The Lego Batman Movie 2: Jokes On MeWhere stories live. Discover now