Chapter 6

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Barbara was making her usual rounds of the perimeter of Arkam Asylum, something she did at least twice a week, when all of a sudden she sees a big explosion go off in the side of the building right in front of her eyes. Seemingly this happened to open every prison cell, as every villian she had caught a few days ago suddenly bursts out in a massive flood, all cheering and wooping.
Also without warning, a big purple blimp rises into the sky from the river around Gotham, and the Joker is standing on top with a big megaphone. She also notices Harley Quinn is piloting the one-seated arial balloon. He clears his throat and pushes the button.

"Villians of Arkam Asylum!! I have released you from your prison cells yet again! Now, if you would, REAK HAVOK ON GOTHAM CITY WITH ME!!~"

"JOKER!" He glances down to make eye contact with Barbara.
"Oh hello there Miss Commissioner!~ pleasent night we're having!" He grins innocently, even though he is not so innocent.

"What do you need ALL of Arkam's villians for AGAIN, may i ask??"

"You'll see Miss Gourdon. It will be more of a surprize to you and Batman than it is to me."

Without really realizing why they feel it, a quiet and unknown knowledge seems to pass through them to one another. Joker knows exactly what he's sensing, but all Barbara can think is 'Joker knows something that i don't, about something that isn't so much about crime'.

"WELL! Hate to 'balloon' my confidence in front of you, so toot-a-loo Commissioner!!~" he speeds off, laughing adorably menacingly into the night. As she watches him go, behind him in the sky she sees as the Bat signal lights up, and as if they didnt even need it, The Scuttler soars up from the city and across the bridge, landing ceremoniously in front of Barbara. The top flies open and she sees Batman in the middle and Robin to his right. Robin waves frantically.
"Barbara get in! We've gotta follow Joker and see what he's up to with all these villians again!" Batman's husky shout reaches her, and she nods, just jumping right into the left seat as the hatch closes and they speed off into the night, once again to save Gotham from complete destruction.

As they hover over the city, they see the Joker's blimp guiding the majority of the mass of villians, while a few split off around banks and grocery stores to steal whatever it is they please, before dashing away back into the massive parade of criminals.

"Hey Barbara? Can i ask you something?" Robin's high squeal comes over the engines, easily almost.
"Yeah Richard, what's on your mind?"
Robin makes eye contact with Batman before starting. "Well....Batman had a talk with me about something, and i just wanted to ask you.......what do you think of the Joker? As like a.......person?"
"Well he's a criminal that belongs in jail."
"Yeah,, do you think he's kinda nice sometimes? Nice in like a.....when he talks to you kinda way?"

Barbara thinks about this. "Well, sure his jokes are a little bit silly-"
"I think they're funny." Batman slips in without meaning to. "Sorry."
"- but he's actually....pretty polite, and sociable.....and last year he was certainly kinda logical, so......even though i've been trying to arrest him all this time, I would say he's not a bad PERSON. Just a Bad Guy." She kinda smiles. "Hm. I like the irony there."

"Okay Barbara, thanks for sharing." The news seems to have Robin happily jittering in his boots. And Barbara gets to thinking....
What a strange question. What does she THINK about the Joker as a PERSON? She's a cop, what does she really care about what kind of person one of the most famed criminals in all gotham city is? She's only ever thought about how to stop his plans and how to arrest him. But Joker uses so many traps and distractions that Batman always gets to rush off and stop him. Is there something wrong with that? They're still working on a team, but....why always only Batman?

"Barb." Batman grunts, once again waking her from a busy brain. Him and Robin are hopping out of the Scuttler, currently perched on a lesser-known casino, but wide enough to fit all of Gotham's villians on one floor.

"Right. Sorry." She jumps out and takes serveillance. "What's the plan?"

"We're gonna hang over the side of the building and peek into the window where nobody can see us and listen in on his plan."

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