Chapter 12

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"Daad, are we ready to go yet??"

Batman gives a tiny laugh and looks over at his lover, still struggling to get himself dressed. He bites his lip to hide a snicker and leans back towards the door.

"Yeah Richard, almost. Give us a minute."
He walks over to the Joker, and the smaller man looks up at him with pleading eyes, those bushy eyebrows begging for assistance.
"Heeellppp..." Joker sniffles half playfully and half actually sad.

Batman smiles and lets his fingers lace around the Joker's tie, untying the strangled bow he currently has and slowly, to let Joker get a look at what he's doing, reties his tie. He tucks it into Joker's shirt and straightens out his jacket.
"There. You look fantastic."

Joker blushes and grins, waving it off. "Of course I do, you basically dressed me." He winks and goes to gather his things, as Batman quickly straightens out the room and swings the door open.
"Hey Robin! Are you excited?"

Robin gasps and looks at his non-Batified dad, dressed in what must be the most casual thing he's ever seen him in. A white T-shirt that simply says "Iron Man Sucks", jeans with a few rips in them, brown sneakers and a Batman watch.

In complete contrast, the Joker could not be more dressed up. I mean, maybe. He does own a suit with six-foot long tailcoats. But his getup is still fit for the Brickies. Crisp white tuxedo, rich purple tie with thin orange stripes. His cuffs have the same pattern, and so does his breast pocket and pant pockets. Black leather shoes polished to a shine and an extra red gloss on his lips.

"Okay, I think I'm ready!" Joker coos cheerfully, strangely impressing both his lover and his new basically adopted son. Batman chuckles and approaches the short and dapper man, laying his hand on his shoulder.
"I would tell you that you really don't have to dress up this much, but.....I love playing dress-up just as much as you." He leans down and pecks Joker on the cheek, making the other giddy with joy.

"Don't worry too much about it, Batsy. I know i don't have to impress you, but I have so many outfits you STILL haven't seen."

Robin's eyes widen. "Whoa okay slow down guys. We still have a roller coaster park to get to!"

Batman laughs and nods. "We're not planning on wasting anymore time." He holds out his arm to the Joker, who gladly interlocks their elbows and winks up at Batman.
"Let's go have the Ride of a lifetime~!"


"It's okay, Jokes. Come sit down next to me."
"Oh my gosh Batman I'm gonna puke."
Batman takes the Joker in his arms, setting him down on the bench beside him and rubbing his back.
"Just breathe. Maybe that ice cream wasn't the best idea?"
"It's not the ice cream, Batman. I just think I'm not built for rides."

Batman tries to imagine a life without roller coasters. He drives the Scuttler and Batplane all the time, so his stomach is just prepared for the g-force. But now that he thinks about it, Joker has never actually been in something that changes the g-force or makes your stomach do flips. Batman starts to smile, stroking Jokes' cheek almost without knowing it.

"I know what we can do to have fun. You like Carnival games, don't you~?"
Joker's head perks up and he carefully turns to Batman, his right eyebrow raising up almost into his hairline. "Are you suggesting.....we Con the Cons?"
Batman grins and whispers.

Joker blushes and starts chuckling with joy, standing up and once again linking his arm in his lover's.
"Then let's start the party~!"
Batman happily glides off towards the Carnival games, before Joker stops in his tracks.
"Wait, what about Robin?"

Batman ponders for a second. Suddenly he reaches into his back pocket and pulls out a Walkie Talkie. He pushes the button and leans into the mic.
"Robin, do you copy?"
"Yes Batman, I copy!"

Batman grins at Joker and winks, speaking again. "Hey listen bud, me and the Jokes will be at the Carnival games. Just keep in touch and come down here when you want to. Roger?"
"Roger Dad! Tell Joker i hope he feels better!" Batman sticks the Walkie in his front pocket and winks at the Joker.

"Well? That work for ya?"
Jokes nods and slides his hand down Batman's arm, his fingers linking with his lovers.
"Yes Batman, it works perfectly. Now, let's go Play the Players~!"

They started with the fishing-for-ducks game. When they weren't looking, Joker switched the magnet on the end of his line, and caught three red ducks in a row, trading up the prizes for a giant snake. Batman proceeds to put the snake around his neck and drag the rest of it behind him, making the Joker laugh.

Quickly they moved on to the milk carton game. Sure, the bottom cartons are heavier. But if the ball is heavier, they're no match. When the lady behind the counter hands Joker the ball, he quickly drills a hole in the ball and fills it with lead, closing it back up and grinning to Batman. He winks back and sweeps his arm towards the cartons.

"Hit it out of the park, Jokes."

The Lego Batman Movie 2: Jokes On MeWhere stories live. Discover now