I Hate Woke People...

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okay so i was thinking "i need to rant about a few things, where could i go where somebody would listen?" and then it hit me so ta-da bitches, i'm annoyed right now so i'll probably look back at this when i'm cooled off thinking i might've gone too far but like i don't care so let me just say this:

i feel like the word "woke" is ruined. i feel like consciousness is ruined. i feel like activism is ruined. i've been told "you're so woke" before and took it as a compliment and i get it, being educated is so dope but y'all just took it too far. i hate the term "woke" as much as i hate "woke" people. there's no other way to say this besides saying consciousness is dead. everyone's conscious now and honestly i feel like people who are "woke" think highly of themselves in a certain way. now that you've been educated (because it takes only a certain skill set to be "woke": claim to be an intersectional feminist and put your pronouns and #blacklivesmatter in your bio...that's it) you sort of elevate your mindset and your way of thinking because now you're suddenly that bitch who has unlocked the secrets to humanity and shit. and you sort of have this "no one understands me because i'm so woke" mentality and i'm not here for that bitch.

y'all just call somebody woke because they're radical and very liberal and listen to what ever the fuck that they say. do your research! why are trying to be woke for the trend, why are you trying to for the fashion and culture of it. because "activist is the new look" because you want to seem educated and feel like nobody understands how educated you are. how highly of a Conscious God you are but in reality you're a fake deep. you're putting on a façade like just because you own a tumblr and unlearned some problematic shit and now you wear mom jeans that suddenly you're a savior to society. not to mention the ones who are woke for their own benefit and just talk about controversial topics for the attention. anyone who can believe that racism is systemic can just get a platform of other woke people gassing them and thats not really a bad thing but y'all just "woke" to draw an audience. JUST BECAUSE YOU ARE "WOKE" AND HAVE A PLATFORM THAT DOES NOT MAKE YOU A FACE OF A MOVEMENT IM SO SORRY ABOUT IT... it doesn't make you an activist either. STOP CLAIMING THAT TITLE PLEASE. not saying that you can't be online and be an activist but being "woke" and having mad followers does not give you that title. somebody had to let you know.

not to mention y'all trying to "out-woke" each other. its the dumbest shit ever... i think it's pathetic.

if you're offended then boo-hoo. this is how i feel, y'all claim to be so "woke" but don't even try to think for yourselves and come to your own conclusions about certain things. i'm saying this because i need to remind people that even when you're educated you aren't done learning.

"Trinity, you're a hypocrite because this is a book for online activist book and you act like you know everything."

people treat me like i i know everything but i do not claim that or believe that at all and this is a rant book, boo boo. don't try it. everything i say here is because i want to say it and that's just my mood at the moment.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2017 ⏰

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