Abuse Is Not Romantic

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@ people who write kidnapped by ___ , bullied by ___ , adopted by ___ type of stories:

What the fuck is wrong with you? What made you think this shit was okay?

Stop writing these stories and exploiting getting kidnapped by someone as a good thing and as something that is okay. There are people who are actually kidnapped and receive nothing but trauma and for you to romanticize that shit is like creepy as shit and disgusting. Getting abused by fucking strangers isn't okay and for you to portray a crime that affects millions of people on a daily basis as a twisted tale of "romance" is gross and you should feel fucking ashamed and humiliated. On my message board there should be a link that will take you to a video of a woman sharing her actual experiences of being kidnapped and sold at the age of 12 and all she received was several fucking years of pain. Stop.

When people adopt you, they become your caretaker and part of your family. Why would a fucking band adopt a teenager and end up falling in love with her?? Are you unaware that's incest? Did you not know that's fucking illegal and that you can't fuck children you adopt?? My grandmother has adopted and opened up her home to probably over 50 foster children over the years, she would lose her fucking license as a caretaker and go to jail if she shared a relationship like that with one of the children that she adopted. Many of my aunts and uncles are adopted. You literally can't do that. Everything about this concept is just wrong in every way possible, you should never write this way. This is child abuse. Stop.

Also, bullying is a serious fucking subject that still affects many people and you literally can't twist it around and have a bully fall for someone that they're bullying. This is honestly a gross portrayal of what somebody thinks "love" is. You have a twisted idea of what love is because love is not bullying someone. Love is not abuse and hurting people and putting them down and mentally forcing them to see themselves as worthless. That is not what love is. Love is not hating yourself because of someone else. It is obvious you don't know what love is in order for you to think that writing this is okay. Just because the girl gets the boy in the end, doesn't mean the stuff in between doesn't matter. Stop.

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