Ghetto Fab

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"Ghetto fab" get the fuck out of here, this is bullshit!

Listen here White people (yes I'm bolding this shit bc bitches don't listen):

I'm fucking done. I'm done sharing shit with you. No, I'm fucking done. None of this, "we're all Americans" shit is going down either, I'm done.

"Sharing is caring." Bitch! Do I fucking look like a Care Bear or some shit?! I'm not fucking Barney, I don't know you like that. No! I'm not letting you whitewash my shit. Why should I care about you?!?! You obviously are insensitive to the fact that you are a privileged being and it's disrespectful to mock my natural hair. I told you once but since you want to act ignorant, I have to spell shit out for you.

Yes, Black people have culture too. In fact, we influence American pop culture. We decide what's hot, the slang, the music, the couture, etc. that's probably why you think it's okay to wear our oppression on your back like it's an accessory. This is something that's so fucking simple to understand, so why are we repeating ourselves? Why are we saying the same things?

This just shows that you don't care about us. Only giving me more reasons to hate your system. What goes through your mind? Who gives you this idea?

"Black women are already gentrified, fetishized, capitalized off of, and murdered. What else should I do to attempt to completely shit on them? I know, I'll take their own black identity away from them and shove my privilege down their throat,"

^ How you like my White person impression? I know, it's very accurate. Anyways, but honestly this is the type of shit that makes people dislike your ass. You do shit like this. You watch the struggle with your own two eyes but further oppress us because you know we aren't at a position of power to do anything about it. That's disgusting. It's disgraceful.

You can do this but it's too much for you to actually open your eyes and realize that you already have everything. You are already have your shit, can I get mine back?

This is the second time I have to ask for my shit back.

It's trifling to know that the my identity is a fashion statement but it's not a trend to stand up for the abuse of POC.

Since you like the way I look so much and want me to "share" with you, how about I get my end of the deal? How about I get some of that White privilege you have there? As soon as we want something we think we are "superior to whites" and are "racist" but it's cool with you appropriating who I am.

So you guys come into our African countries, steal our diamonds, gold, and spices. You brought all types of deadly diseases and viruses into our countries so you can say that you stole our health. Then you steal us, basically. You stole our time, labor, and freedom when you had us working on your plantations. Oh shit, you stole that land from the Native Americans too. You then to this day steal our lives. So, to me it's like's too much to ask for the damn culture back?

That's so trifling, always want to put your hands on things that aren't yours. But it's okay, your girl T will not hesitate to help you know your place.

I'm a little late on this rant, frootful asked to hear my thoughts and here I am...Angry. Black. Unapologetic.

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