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What do you think of azealia's behavior? She's used a homophobic slur in that video that was taken on an areoplane. She also supports trump (ugh) and fat shames. Honestly, I'm disgusted about her. Can I please have your opinion too?

Azealia Banks? I wasn't aware about any of this tbh. It's funny that she would using a homophobic slur considering the fact that she's bisexual. Also, I could've sworn that she was posting positive tweets about Bernie Sanders earlier this summer. I'm not down for fat shaming or any of those things so she can get CANCELLED!

What's your thoughts on the Kardashians, Kylie and Caitlyn Jenner more specifically, in wake of homophobia and cultural appropriation behavior as well as in general.

The Kardashian family in general is so problematic. They think that somehow fucking black men makes it okay to completely rape their culture and strip it down to "just hair" and "just lips" and "just fashion"...Kylie Jenner is just a bitch that takes advantage of the natural assets of black women and use it so she looks good. Caitlyn has been doing shady shit lately toward her family and I'm not with it and that she's a republican who doesn't support gay marriage is sort of not adding up. She's working with people who are against her.

What's your opinion on tumblr and how much of the white media is embraced on the site instead of POC? Also your opinion on Kylie Jenner and Amandla Stenberg?

I personally feel tumblr is very whitewashed. When people say tumblr you immediately think of white girls standing in front of the beach throwing up peace signs because that's the "face" of tumblr. "Tumblr boys" has become exclusive to mediocre and greasy white boys that aren't special. Then the "pale" blog type basically is code for you to reblog skinny white bitches with cuts on their knees. It's sort of the same with aesthetic and art hoe. You can't run away from white couples holding hands and white hands holding ice cream, it's very overloaded with white people. But at the end of the day, it's still your blog so I decide to only reblog POC bc I already get to see white people everywhere else in the media, so in my virtual space I want to see black and brown people. In addition, Kylie Jenner is all up in the kool-aid and doesn't even know the damn flavor. She's clueless and obviously doesn't have the mental capacity to comprehend something as simple as cultural appropriation. Amandla is educated and knows what the fuck she's talking about and Kylie doesn't, simple.

What are your thoughts on "woke" viners becoming more popular?

I think it's a great thing because it seems as if the key to being vine famous was to be racist and make offensive "jokes" that are completely uneducated. So the fact that there are people like Dope Island, Victor Pope Jr., Meechonmars, and's great.

Can I hit it from behind?

Fetty Wap, please get your ass out of my comment section...

Why are you so hilarious? Even when it's a serious subject I find myself cracking up.

I'm not even funny tho...I'm a lame hoe tbh, I wish I had jokes. I seem much funnier on wattpad than I actually am in real life.

Opinion on cultural appropriation?

I get this question a lotttt!! You guys, my very first chapter included cultural appropriation. But I think what you guys want me to do is like a proper explanation and rant?? I'll do it on a separate part I promise because I don't want to ramble on a Q&A.

3 favorite go to albums?

1) Badlands by Halsey
2) 2014 Forest Hills Dr by J. Cole
3) The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill by Lauryn Hill

That was really hard to be honest and not in any particular order.

What's your favorite Sailor Moon scene and character??

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