Anti-Black POC

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Yikes!! I know some hoe is going to get offended and go all "You don't even know what you're talking about, Trinity!! We're all POC, we're all treated the same!! We're all equally oppressed!! Why can't we just come together against the white man!! I'd never say anything bad about black people!!" If you're going to be ^ this bitch...just get the fuck out. Right now, at this moment. You see that arrow point left? Click on that and you'll be out of my domain. You don't have to read my fucking book. The craziest thing is that some of you mother-fuckers stay hating on the first chapter and then just run through my entire book leaving nasty ass comments thinking that I don't read that shit. If you don't like what I'm saying, I'm not stopping you from leaving here. As much as you don't want to accept your privilege, I don't want you to be here. Nobody wants you here. Remember, this is my book and I can delete your ugly ass opinions if I want to. Please, leave and don't let the doorknob hit your booty on the way out.

Anyways...back to the topic. Some of you need to stop acting like every single person of color likes you because that's not the case. I'm not trying to drag non-black POC or just talk shit. I'm going to just display the facts.

A good amount of non-black POC will do the same thing that white people are doing. Perpetuate societal and institutional anti-blackness. Trust and believe while they may smile in your face, they'll carry that "at least I'm not a nigger" complex in their heads.

Okay, Mexico just...literally...just recently began to recognize their Afro-Mexican population. Do you know how long it took for them to admit there were black Mexicans. I can't stress how long it took them to acknowledge what the fuck being Afro-Latina is.

And East Asia is fucking anti-black as fuck I'm sorry. They strive so hard for whiteness and it's so sad bc they do utilize Black-American culture in their industry. *coughs and gives side eye to kpop, jpop, and cpop* Don't get me wrong I still fuck with you guys and like yeah Korean/Japanese/Chinese idols are talented as fuck but please don't put down my peoples' features but turn around and become carbon copies of us. I get it, western countries like America are too racist to accept your talent but being anti-black doesn't mean they're going to like you more :)

And this goes out to the rest of you...just because you aren't white doesn't mean you're exempt from being prejudice assholes. Stop.

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