Angry Black Girl Oath

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Okay so I created this little oath and you can do it, you don't have be Black or a girl or angry. But yeah I made it for fun and hopefully it's something some of you can live by. I live by it. You can say out loud or read it in your head but it doesn't really matter.

I, *insert name* promise to speak on the behalf of all of the women of color who are silenced. I promise to say something when someone says or does something remotely racist. I promise to say something when someone is being harassed verbally or sexually. I promise to keep questioning things and learning from that. I promise to continue fighting social injustices. I promise to stay educated before I speak on something. I promise to love all, care for all, respect all, for I may not know what everyone is going through. I promise to love my body for what it may be. I promise to love my skin and the color it is. I will stand up for LGTBQ+ when they are being targeted. I will protect trans teens. I will fight my hardest against ableism. I will try to help everyone around me understand my persepctive. This is the Angry Black Girl oath and I wear it like a badge of honor.

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