Trans Ppl Are Still Human

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Stop pretending we live in a society where trans people don't fucking exist. THEY EXIST, THEY'RE LIVING AND BREATHING AND DESERVE REPRESENTATION! Like we're always excluding them from everything, we can't even make it safe for them to use the public restroom.

And once someone comes out as trans, people take it as the end of the fucking world. They act like they are fucking Chicken Little and the sky is about to fall down. Like the person who just came out is diseased. Dude, you're being extra as hell and it was never that deep.

Don't get me started on those hoes that purposely misgender and call trans people by the wrong name. To add on to that, they'll be mad when trans people don't respond to the incorrect name and pronouns they call them by. Bitch, what the fuck did you expect? You can't say "Well I'm going to call you by this name that you don't identify by," that's not how that works. If you run up on me and start calling me "Jerry" I'm gonna look around and be like "Who the fuck are you talking to? I don't see a Jerry around here and that's damn sure not my name so...," Plus, just because you feel like that a person should identify as a boy or a girl, it doesn't make your opinion valid.

Think about how everybody discovered that a tomato was a fruit and it wasn't actually a vegetable. People weren't like "Well I'm gonna still call the tomato a vegetable because we've always known it as vegetable before this discovery". No bitch, the tomato was always a fruit, the only thing that's changed was your knowledge of what the tomato is. Now that you have this information, you apply it to how you address the tomato from that point going forward.

"Well, if you like girls, why don't you dress like a girl?"

Now, to all of you dumb asses who say this shit. First of all, clothes do not belong to a specific gender. Secondly, how the fuck does this make sense. That's like telling Cookie Monster to put on a cookie costume to attract more cookies??? Where is the logic, where is the common sense...?? I'm so done with you motherfuckers...

Just stop. Stop with your bullshit. Use the correct name and pronouns. It won't kill you to do so.

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