"I'm more black than you are"

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No matter how many times you listen to Future, Drake, J. Cole, The Weeknd, and Childish Gambino, you're still not black.

No matter how many times you say nigga, you're still not black. (You are racist and/or anti-black though, so congrats on being an asshole)

No matter how many black partners you may have and how far in the relationship you get with them, you're still not black.

No matter how many times you braid, twist, dread, curl, and texturize your hair, you're still not black.

No matter how many black friends, neighbors, schoolmates, and acquaintances you may have, you still aren't black.

No matter how many shades darker your foundation is and bronze yourself to look 'light-skinned' (white women stop doing this, this is literally blackface), you are still not black.

No matter how many pairs of Nikes socks and Jordans you may own (because this is apparently all black people care for, *sarcasm implied*), you are unfortunately not black.

I don't really care if you've seen a Tyler Perry movie that doesn't include you as a member of the black community. I don't know why people think that being black requires an initiation. You can not become black, our culture isn't a starter kit to joining the black community. It's impossible, I'm sorry. Telling me that you think that you are more black than me, because you speak in African-American vernacular is the whitest thing you can do.

Blackness shouldn't be materialized to the point where you feel you can quantify it. Nobody is less or more black than another person, you are either black or not black. You are not black on a plane, on a train, in the rain, in a house, with a mouse, or while wearing a blouse. I just rhymed but I am not nor will I ever be Doctor Suess, see how that works?

So please when black people ask you to stop appropriating their culture don't use the "you're being exclusive and unfair" rebuttal because blackness isn't a fucking club. At least black people like myself are "black enough" to understand and experience raced-based discrimination and hate towards black people. Something that you, a non-black person, would know nothing about.

If you aren't black, you never will be.

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