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Lmao...Michael is the only one who knows how to stay in his lane tbh

They're childish and sexist and problematic for that rolling stone interview. That was fucked up and I'm waiting on apology from all three of them. (Still didn't hear shit from TrAshton ever since he defended his sister for saying nigga and openly embraced cultural appropriation and made an offensive comment about the lgtbq community and thinking that having a larger male population in a fan base makes it a more "serious" group) Fuck you, how are you going to mock your fan base that is made up of mostly female fans. And then the hoes that had the nerve to create a hashtag called #WeAreProudOfYou5sos is just?? Proud of them proving that they're patriarchal dicks?? What is there to be proud of?? They legitimately proved that they don't really give a fuck about who's been supporting them since the literal beginning of their band they just want to utilize their female audience so that they seem more "manly" and "masculine". It wasn't a shock that they had sex, they're a popular band I completely don't doubt that they've hooked up w plenty of people. However, they shouldn't speak of the women that openly shared their bodies w them as if they aren't living and breathing human beings. That's a huge problem that men have, they can't treat women as if we're humans and of the same species. Stop brushing this off as an "everybody makes mistakes, everybody has those days" situation because it wasn't a mistake. They made a conscious decision to say what they had said, knowing that it would be documented in a very popular magazine. Pls just say sorry, instead of whining about how everybody should focus on the music instead bc Hey Everybody was lowkey a disappointment coming from my fav band and it shouldn't have been a single and it sounds almost identical to Money. Fucking apologize.

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