Chapter 32

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"I just can't sit here!" Kyros gritteb his teeth, after being sleepless. We were all gathered in the same room in case of emergency as I stared unto his teary red eyes. I understand that guilt, he's as guilty as Rei now as they saw Kazuki suffering in those bastards hands. I can't settle down after what happened to Kirishima to.

"I am no longer with them! They're far weaker without me! Of we just take Nitros down it will be over for them!"

"Idiot, you need to be calm and rational. Kazuki always tells us that. The heroes won't be convince that easily, and imagine there's another enhancer in their team we can't get Nitros down that easily." I told him knowing what he feels, understanding that he hate himself for leaving Kazuki in those bastard's hands. They can't calm down after seeing Kazuki suffering like that, and as we speak he is still suffering and in pain.

If we take Nitros down, Kyros would be free, and if Kyros were to be free then we would be able to use time leap. If we get the time leap quirk, we can use ot to call the heroes from the future, to take the rest ofthe villains down. But how? We can use Rei to teleport to him, but Nitros can't obviously just control a limited number of people I just know he has more tricks on his sleeves. If we jump carelessly we'll die. Specially with the fact that a number of villains had add up to their group, they can even held Kazuki as hostage. Worse they set a few more villains free and even yield a couple more heroes helpless.

They're fucking serious about killing and they're making sure that no one can stop them. This is honestly pissing me off in so many number of ways.

"Kyros... It's not your fault." I snapped from my train of thoughts surprise to see the brat crying. He covered his eyes with his arm, sobs escaping from his lips as his shoulder is trembling.

"But still... But... Kichan's suffering right now... He's suffering right now.... I got him in that siruation, I got you all in this situation! This is all my fault!" And as he uttered the last word we saw fire through the window.

"Duck!" Half ass uttered creating a huge wall of ice. I could still feel the heat as Todoroki made the ice grow thicker in each second.


"I understand!" And we found ourselves into the garage of the mansion seeing a couple of heroes there.

"Good god! Rei, Does anyone of you know how to drive?!" We all grew silent.

"The mechanism of the car is simple. I can hack it easily!" Kyros uttered taking his necklace off, placing it over the wheel of the car. He bit his lower lip as it turned on.

"How about you guys?!"

"We'll be fine! Rei, I want you to teleport the car as far as you could alright?! Do it as fast as you can!" One of Endeavour's side kick uttered.

"Go!" That reminded me of Kazuki for a second as I grab Izuku's wrist, pulling her into the car as well hop in. The car turned on as the teleportation hole apeared before us.

"M, straight ahead!" Kyros instructed as the car ran forward. Izuku look at the side kick one last time, as he smiled at us, the next thing we saw was fire as we entered the teleportation hole, desappearing into nothing.

This is an all out war.

We reach a road where there was nothing, just an endless grassy ground like we're in Hokaido, Rei looks very exhausted as I gritted my teeth.

"Kyros this isn't your fault at all..." Izuku uttered her voice growing shacky.

"It's mine..." It isn't. There's no one to blame, we have to go on... Even it has to be annoying.

Time's Celerity (Katsuki Bakugou x Fem! Izuku Midoriya)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora