Chapter 24

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"We will stop at nothing till you die Miss Future Number one Hero!" The loud laughter echoed through out the living room as they just destroyed a whole building. The news has been spreading through out country and it's annoying.

"This hero they are talking about is under our protection, with the action of these villains it is concluded that this future hero is stopping them in the future. Rest assured, we will supressed these villains." Lies, endeavor could not even defeat them. Specially Kyros, All Might is supposed to be capable but he's no longer able to do so. I gritted my teeth, remembering that it was all my fault.

His career ended because of me...

"If only I had my quirk." Rei uttered turning the TV off frustration written over her face. If she has her quirk she could easily bring the future Izuku here who might be currently as powerful as the All Might few years ago. That would solve our problem, considering that we're also againts All for One.

"What I still don't understand is Kyros' change..." Izuku uttered out of the blue remembering the video that K showed. It appears like Kazuki is also fond of videography since he had so many videos stored in K, but K also mentioned that he only wants to cherish his memories...

Not knowing when his certain death is...

I bit my lower lip growing worried sick of Kazuki.

What the video exposed were three meetings between Kazuki and Kyros, they both have an amazing frienship as they would be together for a week on each meeting. They get along when it comes to reading books, they share the same dream as they even gave hero names to each other. They were very close. Rei even got angry for not knowing about Kyros although she was supposed to be Kazuki's bestfriend.

The eyes that Kyros holds were different from the eyes we saw.

"It doesn't make sence at all..."  Izuku repeated probably muttering about a lot of things as of the moment. She will probably mutter a lot of things a few seconds from now and utter her thoughts aloud. Hah.

"Wait Kazuki and Rei has introduce us to all the villains right? Along with their quirks." The vice rep uttered.

"Except Nitros..." I muttered as that took their very attention. Rei quickly ran into Kazuki's room bringing as we followed her wondering what she was up to. She was flipping through a certain sketchpad onpy for her to curse.

"It's useless... Kazuki didn't saw his face so he was unable to draw him." Rei gritted her teeth. "If only K could scan his face then K could find information about him."

"Miss. Kirishima if you remember the man's face then I could help. I am a cube with All the information in the world in case you've forgotten." The cube uttered out of the blue showing a projection of thousands of faces flashing through the screens.

"Nationality." The cube ask as Rei grinned standing up.

"Japanese." The number of photos decreased.

"Gender ma'am?"

"Male." All the photos in the projection decreased showing photos of men, such technology in the hands of that brat?


"About 20-30." The photos number grew smaller, just accurate information and we would be able to figure this out effortlessly.

"Hair color?"

"Navy blue." All we could see now are navy colored heads as we were looking at each of the possible men we could glance at. How could this cube dovall of these?

"Eye color?"

"Midnight blue."

"Any special characterestics?"

"He actually has curled horns."

Now it only showed about few pictures. This cube is impressive.

"The future is so cool." Kaminari pointed out as the projection changes from time to time, the rest were still in daze.

I can't wait to see it to. But first we must make sure that everything is safe.

"From here on, you will hear voices of the men which were specified through the information you've given please point out which among the voices do you perhaps recognize." Rei then wore a someking of wireless earphone before shutting his eyes.

"Thank you K."

"Word of preference ma'am?"

"Ace of Spades."

"Magnificent choice." K silence himself, as we could hear nothing from the two of them. I didn't realize that I was already biting the tip of my thumb getting all nervous. The whole class was all silent as well for a couple of minutes waiting for Rei to say a word, her lids flew open as we stood up knowing the cignal.

"It's him! That's gotta be Nitros!"

"Understood ma'am." K later showed an image of a man with the particular characteristics Rei mentioned.

"Do us a research, K." Izuku told it as we heard no respond from the cube. It only beeps for a second and it showed us soft copies of the man's documents.

Name: Masamoto Eido.
Age: 23
Quirk: Mind Control.

Now that made sence to everything, each of us glance at each other. What if the rest of these villains are controled? What if Kyros isn't the only one controled? And oh God...

"What if he controled Kazu as well?" Rei uttered her voice shacking as my heart sank. Oh God... I hope they don't... I really hope they don't. Kyros is already too much if they yse Kazuki as well it us going to be far too much, I doubt that we would be able to handle this.

"We have to give this information to the higher ups." Vice rep uttered slamming her hand on the table as everything is growing serious. I glance at Deku, growing worried of her as we haven't talk for a while nor did I see her smile. I am not good at cheering people up as well.

Just shit. All I have now is nothing but my uselessness... And it fucking sucks.

"We need a plan NOW." I uttered aloud, I don't want to do this but we need as many heads together as much as possible.

If ever possible.

"That brat is alive." I glance at Izuku by then her eyes filled with agony as she stared into mine. "We'll beat this Nitros up and get that fucking brat back."

Time's Celerity (Katsuki Bakugou x Fem! Izuku Midoriya)Where stories live. Discover now