Chapter 22

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"As much as possible I don't want a scene here Kazu, so I'll be borrowing your quirk for a while, Rei-chan." And I lost the floor. We started screaming finding ourselves falling, although surprise to be with Deku and Kazuki alone. The rest were in a long distance.

"Shit!" Kazuki held his arms out as we floated slowly landing down the ground. We honestly have no idea where we are, but this is scaring me. He could have easily teleported as to the deepest part of pacific ocean and we die there. He want to toy with us.

"Everyone alright?!" Kazuki half yelled as we were all together in in the middle of nowhere. Is this another country?!

(Courage The Cowardly Dog reference XD)

"Do not let your guards down..." My orbs widen seeing Kyros right behind Deku as panic devoured me again. Before I could do something, he went flying away from us like a bullet yet there wasn't a crash at all.

I glance at Kazuki, his eyes looking burning with anger at the moment. His gaze alone is sending shivers down my spines. This brat really deserves the title of God Spades.

"My, my, your quirk really is amazing Kazu!" We look at our right seeing him getting out of a portal.

"How dare you use Rei!"

"That wasn't honestly easy to do so, he would rather die than betraying you. That's why, I threatened her that I would kill her mother..." Where is she really?!

"She wouldn't have suffered if you didn't fail..." I could inagine the guilt.

"Mom, what happens today affect the memories of those in the future." Kazuki turned his back on Kyros, fire beginning to ignite around him.

"I never like saying this, but Mom... I love you so much." The tears on Deku's cheeks looks so painful as my heart sank. "I love you very much."

"Why are you saying all of this... Kazuki... Please..."

"Go..." He uttered instead of replying, turning his back on us the fire around him growing stronger.

"Kazuki! Why?!"

"JUST GO!" He screamed creating a wall of fire strengthen by the wind between us and them. Just shit...

It was honestly againts my will, but that bastard is far more stronger than Kazuki. We would either be crushed and be hindrance to him as well. I hate running away! Just fuck!

"Let's go!" Todoroki yelled

"But Kazuki! He'll----!"

"Listen to me! We will only hold Kazuki back! We don't stand a chance againts Kyros! If you die everything will be over!" Todoroki yelled at her and I hated that he is making sence. Much to our surprise, we saw Rei in front of us touching the ground as a huge hole appeared down the ground.

I'm honestly tired of falling and screaming.

"Uwaaaaa!"  We were all screaming finding us above the air.

"Try to hold each others hand in a curcle!" Uraraka instructed as we did, knowing that she had a plan.

"Fuck Rei! Why make us teleport up in the sky?!" I screamed seeing the girls having a hard time to hold their skirts.

Time's Celerity (Katsuki Bakugou x Fem! Izuku Midoriya)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu