She deserved more than she got. She deserved better than the asshat who was my father. She deserves more than this shitty house. She deserves more than her overworking job.

Though I would never admit it, Emma and my mom are probably the two most important people in my life.

"Nah, I'm not mad." She said pulling away. "One fucking week doesn't matter if anything it started your winter break early." She added with a grin.

I wanted to grin back but I stopped myself knowing it would only hurt to try.

With that, I grabbed my bag and slowly walked upstairs to put it away.

I throw my bag on my bedroom floor before quickly walking into the bathroom.

I looked in the mirror to evaluate the damage.

I winced just looking at my face. It hurt a hell of a lot less than it looked.

The left side of my face was a patchy angry bright red. The area by my ear and jaw being the darkest of red and the most painful. My eye swollen slightly with the area around it already turned a bluish red.

I looked like shit.

I could hear my mom downstairs talking on the phone.

I slowly reached to lightly touch my face but quickly pulled away from the pain it brought.

I sighed before walking back to my room.

I need something to take the edge of; I need something to take the pain away.

I shut my room door before lifting my mattress up and taking the all too familiar bag of pills that Ashley gave me out of the lining.

I figured that would be the best place to hide them without mom finding them.

I carefully put my mattress back making sure not to cause too much noise and get my mom's attention.

The pills were just as I remembered them. They were two-toned, half bright orange and half sky blue. Across the blue end of the tablets was little black writing.

I opened the baggy pouring two into my palm.

How many do I take?

Before I could actually take any my bedroom door opened. I quickly shoved the bag and pills into my pants pocket.

"I forgot to give you these before. I can't image how much your face must hurt." My mom said holding her hand out to me.

In her hands laid white pills that I recognized to be Ibuprofen.

I looked at her gratefully as I took them from her and dry swallowed the white pills.

"Have you gotten Emma anything for Christmas yet?" My mom asked curiously as she looked around my messy room.

Christmas was a little less than two weeks away.

Emma and I never really talked about exchanging gifts so I didn't think to get her anything.

I'm not even sure what I would get her anyways.

I shook my head. "No, I haven't. We haven't talked about if we are exchanging or not."

She frowned at me. "Honey, if you want a girl to stay your girlfriend then you get her a Christmas gift." She said as if I was an idiot.

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