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*** Welcome everyone to the newest instalment of what has slowly become my Bilionaire Bundle! A new story but ultimately Book 3 in the series, is Leandro Vargas' story with Princess Alessandra Du Mont. I hope you enjoy this story as much as the others. Make sure to vote and comment if you do! Lets get started! ***

Princess Alessandra Maria Du Mont, heir apparent to the throne of Aldovia felt numb as her father , King Alpheus explained the terms of her arranged marriage; her arranged marriage to a stranger.

In all her twenty-five years, had she ever felt so deathly afraid?

It seemed; today was to be that day.

Her morning had started normally enough; breakfast with her ladies in waiting before a rundown of her daily schedule that mainly consisted of charity functions and luncheons with influential women in the kingdom. Women, she realised, who spent their time investing energies and money into things that were not really that important.

Sure, the charities focusing on the welfare of orphaned children or premature babies were all charities she delighted in working with for such important causes. However, three hour meetings to discuss who would perform at the annual Imperial Women's Society Brunch were not important causes at all; especially when that money could be going elsewhere. Namely the national treasury and be put to better use, like saving Aldovia from financial and political ruin.

She had always known she would have to pay a price when it came time for her to take her father's crown; but she had not imagined it would ever be this high!

Her life was to be stripped away from her before it had even begun.

She was to be sold to a man she didn't even know; just so he could inject funds into the economy.

It was barbaric and was simply unfair!

Was she expected to love this man? And if she didn't; was she expected to sleep with him?

Alessandra felt sick.

She had been wrapped up in cotton wool her entire life and for what; for her virginity to be sold off to the highest bidder?

She stood up as her father continued his speech and everyone in the Royal Meeting Room went silent – noone interrupted the king; not even his only child and heir.

"Lexi?" King Alpheus looked confused as he called her by her nickname; the more Anglicized nickname for the English version of her name; Alexandra.

"My sincerest apologies father, but I must leave."

"Leave? And go where?"

"Away, away from here!" Lexi screamed uncontrollably as the dam of years of royal training suddenly broke free. She wouldn't be silenced this time; she wouldn't play her role like always!

"You are talking to me and at me like this does not concern me; like my life does not matter! How could you do this to me father?"

Suddenly the curiosity and concern of a father were gone from his eyes and there was nothing there but the authority of a king.

"This is your duty Alessandra; your duty to your country and to me."

"So I am to pay for your mistakes; for you running Aldovia into the ground?" she fired back at him.

It was eerie how silent it was in the meeting room despite there being more than twenty people in it. She and her father along with her father's aid Massimo who had been around her entire life. Her Chief Lady; Althea was always with her and of course the palace guards to protect them. From who, she had never known but they had become as natural to her as breathing; pairs of eyes watching her constantly.

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