Chapter 2; Part 2

Start from the beginning

Me: Shoot look at you! You got me over here scared. I thought it was-

**Both Claire and Leona's eyes widened then turned into a glare. They did it at the exact same time. It freaks me out when they do that.

Me: He's right behind me, isn't he?

**Claire and Leona nodded, still glaring at him. I sighed

Ray: Hey, babe... You got a minute?

Did this boy really just call me babe? As if nothing happened yesterday? As if he didn't crush my heart into a million tiny little pieces the sit there and watch me cry? Has he lost his mind? I decided the best thing to do was ignore him so I started walking again. Claire and Leona followed.

Ray: Miranda!

I started walking faster. He quickened his pace and caught me. He pushed me against a locker.

Ray: Will you just stop and hear me out?

I struggled to keep my tears from falling. I took a deep breath and looked in the other direction.

Ray: C'mon Miranda. Don't be like this.

Me: Get... OFF OF ME RAY!

Ray: That's a start... at least we're talking again.


Ray: No, we need to talk about this.

Me: I don't want to talk to you about anything. I don't want to talk to you, period.

Ray: Listen Miranda. I-

Me: No. YOU listen Ray. If you don't get off of me and move out of my way RIGHT NOW, I will personally chop your dick off myself! Got that?

He stepped back slowly. I can tell I struck a nerve by the look in his eyes, but frankly, I don't care. Right now all I need to worry about is getting to class and avoiding detentions.
We got to the locker room, I changed and Mrs. Ryan called me into her little office. What did I do now?

Mrs. Ryan: They need you in the office, Mrs. Perez.

Me: What For?

Mrs. Ryan: I have no clue.

Me: Okay.

I walked upstairs. It's early in the morning. I just got here and there's nothing I could've done to get me in trouble, right? Right. I walked upstairs and into the main office. There was this cute ass boy, with the biggest brown eyes I've ever seen. His lips were just... perfect. I guess he noticed me staring cause he smiled at me. Wow. Add perfect teeth to that list. I checked my hair and outfit. Ugh, great first impression. I was wearing blue varsity shorts, a plain white tee, and white Converse low-tops. I had my hair pulled up into a high ponytail. He probably thinks I'm a bum now. Mrs. Gonzalez called me to the counter.

Mrs. G: Miranda Perez?

Me: Yes Ma'am.

Mrs. G: This is Jawan Harris. He just moved here from a different school. You've been chosen to give him a tour of our school and show him his classes.

Me: Uh, okay.

Mrs. G: I suggest you show him around at lunch so you don't miss too much class. Here is a copy of his schedule. Your teachers have already been notified but, just in case there's any trouble, here's a hall pass.

I took the papers from her and walked over to him.

Me: Hi, I'm Miranda...  Your student guide I guess. Oh, and welcome to Santa'Mae.

Jawan: Um... Thanks.

Me: Okay, says here you have English with Mr. Sum-...

** I stopped. He has the same class as Jake and Ray.

Jawan: Mr. Summers.

Me: Huh?

Jawan: It says, Mr. Summers.

Me: Oh, yeah... I knew that it's just-... Never mind. I'll show you the way.

Jawan: Okay.

I walked him there and stood by the door.

Me: Here we are.

He looked inside at all the faces then looked back at me.

Me: Nervous?

Jawan: A little.

Me: Want me to walk you in?

Jawan: Please?

Me: Okay.

I took his hand because truth is I was a little nervous about seeing Ray's reaction. Jawan was nice about it though. Almost as if holding my hand helped him a little too. When we walked in the whole room went dead silent. Everyone was staring at Jawan and I. Mr. Summers turned and faced the two of us. Ray was looking at us with confusion, anger, and jealousy. I loved every second of it. Jacob just looked confused.

Mr. Summers: Thank you, Miranda. You may go back to class now.

Me: Okay. Um... Jawan I'll be back after this period to show you to your next class.

Jawan: Okay, bye Miranda. Thank you.

Ray was still staring. I could feel his gaze burning a hole in the back of my head, but I acted like I didn't see him. I waved to a really confused Jacob who waved back like I was some crazy person, then I left the classroom skipping for joy. Jawan is FINE! 

* * *


Me: Oh. My. Gosh. He was so CUTE!

Leona: Looks like someone has a little crush!

Me: Pshh, me? A Crush? I haven't had a crush on anyone since the 7th Grade when I had a crush on...

I went silent. Lord, the good old' days of 7th grade. When Ray and I first started dating. If only we could go back to those days...

Claire: Ray?

Me: Yeah... I can't have a crush on anyone yet. We just broke up.

Leona: So?

Me: Too early.

Claire: He didn't even break up with you before kissing someone else, though.

Leona: And, if Jawan is really as cute, nice and funny as you said, I say you give him a shot.

Me: I guess.

Leona: You know.


Unwritten: A Miranda Perez StoryWhere stories live. Discover now