Chapter 28

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Nyssa's POV


I'm wandering through an overcrowded street somewhere in east London. I think I've been here before, most likely to kill someone. To eliminate a threat. But no more. Things have been great since I disbanded the league. I feel free. Free of my father and of the life I've had.

It's so beautiful around here, especially now in the evening. I look around me, I don't know why it brings me such comfort to watch these random people passing down the streets, smiling and laughing. Just enjoying life.

Wait, that is not possible. Could it be?

I see a blonde that I know all too well to mistaken her for a random somebody going to a backstreet. I quickly follow her. She's standing at the very end, it's too dark for me to see her face properly.

"Sara?" I say, my voice shaky. 

She steps closer and I gasp in the moment I finally see her face. It's really her. 

I go even closer, making sure I'm not imagining this, "Beloved, what are you doing here? I thought you were travelling with that-"

"I was. I am," she cuts me off, her voice desperate, "but I need your help, Nyssa."

"Anything." It leaves my mouth without hesitation, I would do anything for her.

"You have to return to Star City, now." She's deadly serious and I can tell something is seriously wrong. Not just anything can throw her off like this.


"I can't tell you much, I should even be here, but I had to.I don't care about the rules. Not when it is my family." 

I'm really confused, she's talking fast and what she's saying doesn't even make sense, "Sara, calm down. You have to tell me more, okay? Just breathe and tell me the whole story."

She nods, taking a few breaths before saying anything.

"Since I became captain of the Waverider, I've been keeping an eye on my family. When I learnt that Laurel is alive I was overjoyed, but I became terrified when I saw what they did to her. Turned her evil. Making her kill innocents."

She looks desperate and angry, a deadly combination.

"I looked into her future, I needed to see that they would brought her back. But the only thing I saw was pain and heartbreak as she was dying in Oliver's arms not long from now." A tear falls down her cheek as she finishes. 

I'm not sure how to react, my mind is still processing all of it, "What do you need me to do?"

"Go to Star City. Help Oliver with Laurel, but Nyssa, you can't tell him about the future."

"But how am I supposed to prevent Laurel's death without telling anyone?"

She takes my hand, "I don't know. But I trust you. Please, Nyssa, I can't lose my sister again." 

"You won't, I promise." I pull her into a tight hug and stroke her hair, hoping to calm her.

 I guess Star City awaits.

*present day*

I tell Oliver everything Sara has told me in London. He is pretty shaken by it, I don't blame him, I just told him the woman he loves will soon die in his arms. I know he was just about to go kill her, but he thought she was beyond saving, plus I don't think he would actually do it. He loves her too much. 

"So what do we do now?" He says, breaking the silence between us.

"I don't know." 

"You should've told me sooner. We could have come up with a plan by now instead of this 'I don't know'." He's raising his voice, clearly being upset.

"I think I'm gonna give you a moment alone, looks like you need it. Call me later and we can work on that plan," I say and he nods as a response.

I head to the hotel I'm staying in, ready to lie down for a moment. I take out the keys and open the apartment. Strange, the lights are on.

I pull out a knife and carefully proceed to the living room. When I enter, I see two figures standing there.

"Hello, miss al Ghul," says Black Siren with Laurel smirking by her side.

This day just keeps getting better.


Hello guys,

I'm sorry for not udating for a while, but don't worry, I'm back now. Hope you like the chapter, be sure to vote and comment if you do :).


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2017 ⏰

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