Chapter 10

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Oliver's POV

I slowly open my eyes.I'm no longer lying on the floor where Laurel left me, instead I somehow got on a bed that we have in the arrow cave. They notice I'm awake after a minute and all of them are standing around me in a flash,well except Felicity who is sitting by the computers.

"Ollie, I'm so glad you're awake, we were so worried, you had a serious concussion." Thea says as she takes my hand. I look around the arrow cave, it looks like nothing happened here."How long have I been out?" I ask and slowly stand up."Nearly a day,but Ollie you should really rest, your head injury-" "I'm fine." I interrupt her and get to Felicity.

"Something new on Laurel or the other Laurel?" I ask and hold onto the table, my head is really hurts and is spinning."I'm running a facial recognition program, I've got all the cameras in the city,but it's like Laurel and The Black siren just vanished." She's still looking to the computer,I can tell she's angry and frustrated. As we all are."The Black who?" I ask her,but it looks like she's no longer listening.

"That's actually what I wanted to talk to you about earlier.The Black siren is Laurel's Earth-2 evil doppelganger that we had in our cell,but she escaped during my fight with Zoom. She's probably behind the new evil Laurel." Barry explains and it all starts to make sense.

"We've gotta find them before they destroy this city. The earthquake was Black siren right?" I ask and go sit to our table."Yeah,she's basically a metahuman version of the Black Canary." So we've got two evil Black Canaries,great.

"We need to figure out a way to neutralize Black Siren's powers.So you Barry should probably run to Central City,I'm sure Cisco can come up with something,also ask your Harrison Wells about the Black Siren,maybe he'll think of a way how she turned Laurel evil and how to reverse it." I turn around to Felicity and continue."And you should keep trying to find them,they will show up eventually." I turn to Roy and Thea,but before I can say something,Roy starts speaking first.

"You want me to hit the streets." He says and I notice he's holding Thea's hand."No,you're going to take my sister home." He just nods and smiles."You're coming with us right?" She asks even though she already knows my answer.

"No,I'm going to do what I do best. Give someone a beating." I can see the disapproval all over her face, but I don't care. I need to feel useful again and someone on the streets must know their location. I need to find her, whatever it takes.

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