Chapter 26

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Oliver's POV

We make our way through an old playground and I can already see the house from which the Golden Snakes operate. It looks so ordinary, no one would ever guess that place is a drug den full of men who think they rule the world.

There is silence between Nyssa and I, both of us are concentrating  on the mission. I'm still thinking about what she's keeping from me and whether her backstory is even real, but I have to focus on more important things right now and deal with all of that later.

We reach the house and go straight to the back, avoiding surveillance cameras as much as we can. There are a large glass door at the back of the house.Thanks to them I can see five men sitting around a table playing poker. What kind of a criminal has glass door?

Some guy just came in,looking really pissed at them which makes them distracted. Now is the right time to strike. Nyssa gives me a quick nod and we both start running towards the house. When we are almost by the door, they notice us, but it's too late. I shoot an explosive arrow, shattering the glass into shreds.

Nyssa takes the two gorillas on the left and I the remaining three. The guy that was pissed, probably their boss, runs away on the second floor. I knock out the first one, but that gives an opportunity to the other two to punch me in the back. I turn around, quickly putting an arrow into one of them.

Two down, one to go.

Just when I'm about to shoot the last guy, a deafening scream fills the room,making me drop my bow in order to cover my ears.

I look up. Laurel is standing by the front door with the Black Siren by her side.

"Well, well, well,who do we have here? The Green Arrow himself decided to pay our friends a visit," Black Siren says amused as they both come closer to us.

I look at Laurel,hoping to see the woman I love,but it's like she's not even there. She's staring blankly at us,her smile and eyes both colder than ice.

I'm happy she's not dead,but I can't do this,not again.

I look at Nyssa and she nods understandingly. In a second,she jumps to Laurel,kicking her in the stomach,while the Black Siren goes to me.

I reach for my bow,but before I'm able to fire,her sonic scream throws me against the wall.

Sharp pain goes through my body as I fall onto the ground. She just laughs, "I must say I'm disappointed,I expected more of the infamous Green Arrow."

"Well,you haven't seen a thing yet."

Before she can scream again,I quickly get up and kick her. She stumbles for a second and then raises her leg up to kick me. I avoid it and knock her down.

"What did you do to Laurel?" I scream,pointing an arrow at her head.

"I made her better. You wanna know how I did that? I got rid of the thing that was holding her back the most. Her love for you. She's my now. You can't get her back from this."

I lower the bow a little,thinking about what she just said. It gives her the best opportunity to strike back. And she does. With a quick move she takes a knife out and stabs it deep into my thigh.

I cry of pain escapes my lips and I stumble back. I'm trying to stay on my feet, but it's getting really hard to stand.

"Husband!" Nyssa gets to me,trying to hold me up, so I don't fall.

Before we run out of the house,my eyes automatically find Laurel's. She's standing over the bodies,her mouth bloody, probably thanks to Nyssa. She's looking into my eyes like she's trying to understand all of this.

But she can't. 

Because she's no longer there, my Laurel is gone.

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