Chapter 16

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Thea's POV

I don't know how long has it been since she took me. I must have been out for a couple of hours,my head really hurts. They tied me up to a chair and put a bag over my head,so I can't see anything.

I have no idea where they brought me,why or if I'll make it through the night,but still, all I can think about now is Roy.

I may never see him again, he could be dead by now, his body helplessly lying on the floor.

Because of her.

She killed him.With the thought of Roy being dead a tear falls down my cheek.

Suddenly, someone takes the bag off and the light blinds me for a second, I blink a few times before I can see properly. The Black Siren is standing before me, she looks amused.

"Oh, why so sad, sweetie?" She says and her lips curves to a big twisted smile.

"What do you want with me, you evil bitch?"

"You'll see my dear, you'll see." She says still having that smile on.

I can hear the door open and someone walking towards us.

"What took you so long?" Says the Black Siren still looking at me. Then someone appears next to her.

It's Laurel.

I can't stop the anger inside me and just blow up.

"How could you? How could you do this to me? To Roy? We were your family, Laurel!" I shout the last sentence and feel the tears rushing to my eyes again. I push them back and keep staring at her.

She actually looks shaken up by everything I said. It seems like she's almost about to cry.

"I had to handle some things,but I'm here now,so we can begin." She says to Black Siren and completely ignores everything I've said.

"Okay, Marcus is in position, the cameras are here, so now it's on you, Black Canary." The Black Siren finishes and gives me a quick look before going behind the camera which I didn't notice that was there at all.

Laurel exhales heavily and then goes next to me. This looks really bad.

I notice she's holding a knife in one hand and that both of her hands are shaking. This definitely looks worse then bad.

"People of Star City, today is the beginning of a new era. In a couple of hours, this city will be mine. And for those of you who think the Green Arrow will save you, he won't. He can't even save his little sister." I freeze. She just revealed Ollie as the Green Arrow and she's probably about to kill me.

She raises the knife and I can see in her eyes that she doesn't want to do this. It looks like she froze too, still holding that knife up above my head.

Suddenly an arrow hits the knife throwing it far behind is.

 It's Ollie. And he's not alone.

Is that-? Is that my father?


Hey guysss, Malcolm is baaack!! 

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