Chapter 17

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Oliver's POV

Felicity and I have been sitting for over an hour by the table in the arrow cave, trying to come up with a plan that doesn't end with my death. It's hopeless.

"We don't have much time left,I'll go alone, I'll take the ear plugs and fight my way out of there." I say after a long time of silence.

"That is the most stupid idea you ever had." She says looking somewhere at a wall.

"Couldn't agree more." I turn around, Malcolm is standing there in his Nanda Parbat outfit. How the hell did he get here without us noticing?

I instantly stand up,clutching my hands into fists.

"Easy there,I'm not here to fight you,not right now anyway."

"Then what are you doing here?" Says Felicity,taking the words right out of my mouth.

"I'm here to save my daughter. And unlike you,I actually do have a plan." He's standing in front of us,looking like he's the savior here.

"Okay,so what is your-"

"Oliver. Can I talk to you for a second?" Felicity goes to the other side of the room and I follow her,not letting Malcolm out of my site.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?"

"Felicity,my sister is out there and we need him in order to get her home." I say and look at Malcolm,he's sitting by the table,he actually looks a little worried.

"Oliver,this is Malcolm we're talking about. He'll betray you the minute The a is safe. What if he's with the Black Siren and this is all a trap?" She has a point,Malcolm can't be trusted.

"I know,but I need to save my sister,whatever it takes." I say and Laurel's words appear in my mind.

I turn around and go back to Malcolm. 

"So what's your plan? And Malcolm,if you betray me and something happens to Thea,don't think for a second I won't kill you." I say harshly and he just smiles as a response before explaining us the plan.

It's pretty simple actually,he'll take care of the Black Siren and I will handle Laurel and get Thea out of there. He also has two more ex-assassins from Nanda Parbat that still see him as their leader,even though there is no more league, and will help him with the Black Siren.

I suit up and we get to the mansion. I hadn't been here for a long time but it still hurts,this place reminds of my family, Tommy and Laurel and the times when my life actually was simple.

We go through the house,still no sign of them.

The basement.

We head there and as we quietly enter,I can see Laurel standing next to Thea,she's about to kill her,while the Black Siren is standing behind a camera.

As Laurel points the knife at Thea ready to stab her, I shoot an arrow throwing the knife out of her hand. They all look at us and Malcolm instantly runs to the Black Siren.

I look at Laurel and she immediately goes towards me. I don't want to fight her. I can't.

I look into her eyes and I know what she's thinking.

Save your sister.Whatever it takes.

And with that,the fight begins.

Heey guys,
I've just finished watching the big crossover and omg, the lauriver feels from the hundred episode of Arrow!!!!!!

One last cry /Lauriver/-ON HOLDOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant