Chapter 6

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Oliver's POV

"Look who it is. The Flash himself.Finally some fun." She looks at him and screams...

Thankfully the cry doesn't affect Barry that much, so he shakes the pain pretty quickly. Before she realizes he inject her with a sedative. It's over. I get up and go to him."Thank you, Flash." I say looking at Laurel sleeping in Barry's arms. He nods and flashes away still holding her. I quickly leave before the reporters start to ask million questions I can't answer.

"So this was the plan all along? Barry saving us at the last moment?" Thea asks in the limo on our way to the arrow cave."Yep, pretty much. We couldn't do anything as ourselves and I couldn't risk putting Roy out there on the daylight. Where did Felicity go by the way?" I change the subject before we start arguing."She went to see her boyfriend and let him know that she is okay.She'll come as soon as she can." I knew Felicity has a boyfriend but hearing this makes it more real. We tried to be together and it didn't work out,I just hope she is happy. She deserves someone better than me. I just nod as my answer.

I can hear Barry talking when we enter the arrow cave. "-You were on the run? Cool, I mean not cool,but- Hey Oliver, you're finally here." Barry looks at us as he notices we are here."Thanks for saving the day back there, it means a lot that you're here. Where is she?" I ask and sit to the table next to Barry while Thea and Roy are standing aside."She's still sedated and happily sleeping in a cell. And I need to talk to you about something. It's not good and I don't know, but maybe it has something to do with this situation." "Okay, I am listening." He is about to say something but then the elevator opens and Quentin rushes out of it.

"What the hell happened at the honoring? I saw it all over the news.How is she alive?" I can smell the alcohol all over him, he's clearly drunk. "Quentin-" "Oh don't Quentin me, I want to speak with her. I know she is here." I look into his eyes, they're full of despair and pain."Yes, she is here but sedated and I don't think it's for the best for you to speak with her now. She's not the Laurel she used to be. I don't know if she doesn't remember or they brainwashed her but she thinks of herself just as the Black canary, villain version." It's too much for him, he sits to the table burring his face to his hands.

"Well,someone should talk to her. She just woke up." Roy says looking at the computer where the camera footage is." And someone will,so why don't we all go grab some Belly burger while Oliver talks to her." Thea says taking Roy's hand. I just nod and they all leave. Even Quentin which was kind of a surprise. I inhale heavily and walk to her cell.She's standing in the corner, looking coldly at me. This won't be good.


Hey everyone, next chapter here. I was thinking about doing some Roy/Thea chapters or to write them their own fanfic. What do you think? Btw. I know Felicity is not in the arrow cave, but I liked this gif.


One last cry /Lauriver/-ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now