Chapter 20

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Thea's POV

Roy is lying stock-still on the bed,his eyes shut, surrounded by a lot of doctors that are doing their best to save him.

But they are failing.

The CPR isn't working, his heart is still not beating.

I'm standing in the corner of the room and I feel like I can't  breathe. Suddenly, the doctors exchange a strange look and stop doing everything they do. 

"Why are you stopping? You have to save him!" I yell at them,but they just give me a sorry look. I go past them, straight to Roy's lifeless body. 

"Please, don't leave me. I can't lose you again." I cry,lying on his chest.I don't feel any heart beat, he's really dead. The room is quiet,no one wants to say it out loud.

"Time of death, 11.35." Says the doctor after a minute and I sob even more.

"No, Roy wake up, please wake up..." I keep shaking with his body but nothing happens. He's not waking up. He's dead.

I open my eyes and find myself sitting on a chair in Roy's room. 

"Hey gorgeous, you're finally awake." I look up and see Roy on his bed, he's smiling from ear to ear.

He's okay, not dead. It must have been just a dream.

"Hey, you were sleeping when I came, so I wanted to wait and must have fallen asleep." I say as I go to him and kiss him passionately. I'm giving everything I have into that kiss, I almost lost him and not just in that dream.

"I thought you were dead. That she killed you. I thought I'd never see you again." I try to hold the tears and sit on the bed,cuddling next to him.

"I'm okay, it wasn't as bad as it looked, I'll be back on my feet in a few weeks." He says and kisses me again. After this horrible past days, I feel save in his arms.

But nothing good lasts forever, especially in this city.

After a while, I start falling asleep, but someone shakes with me, waking me up again.

It's Oliver.

"Ollie, what's going on?" I ask as quiet as possible, Roy fell asleep,I don't want to wake him. 

"We have to go,Thea." 

"Wait, what? Where are we going in the middle of the night?" I ask confused.

"I'll explain everything, when we get to the arrow cave. But long story short , I know Black Siren's plan and it's not good, we have to act.Fast."

"Okay, just give me a sec." He nods and goes outside the room, he's calling someone.

"Please, stay save. I can't lose you,ever. I love you." I whisper to him and then leave the room.


Hello guys,

I know, you' re all waiting for the letter, but you might have to wait a little longer for that. I know that not much happens in this chapter,but I really wanted some Thea/Roy scenes!! Also this song is just amazing, I had to share it with you!! 


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