I turn around to see Phil laughing at me. I had a wet dream and came in my sleep. I blush in embarrassment.

"Sleep well, babe?"

"Oh my god, this actually happened and this is so embarrassing. It was also hot as fuck."

"Was it, Daniel? Daddy's very disappointed in you."

"Shut up! I'm gonna go shower and wonder why my life is like this."

"Okay, baby boy." Phil winks at me.

"Actually stop." I run to the bathroom and immediately discard my gross boxers.

After a really self-depreciating shower, I decide to Skype Tyler, Connor, Troye, and Pj to discuss Phil's baby shower.

"Hi guys!"

"HEY DAN!" Their voice blared through the speakers of my laptop and I frantically try to turn down the volume.

"Okay, I didn't need my ears for anything."

"Sorry Dan. It's just been awhile. How's Phil and the twins going?" Pj asks.

"They're good. The little girls are going strong."

"That's awesome!" Troye yells, "Anyway, why'd you call us?"

"Alright, so I'm planning Phil's baby shower, which is a surprise, and I need some ideas. So go ahead."

"Get your notes ready, Daniel. We're about to word vomit some jazz!"
Tyler laughs

"Well, I think a lot of pink things, since they're both girls." I write down Connor's idea on my handy dandy notebook.

(If you get that reference, I salute you)

"Ooh, let's have a cake, like a huge cake! With sprinkles and all that good stuff!" Tyler claps loudly when he proposes his idea. I scribble it down and look up again.

"A fucking piñata!" Troye exclaims.

"So much candy!" Pj says.

"Confetti! Rainbow confetti!" Connor basically screams

"You guys sound like a bunch of six year olds." I laugh.

"Shut up! Don't judge us!" Troye says.

"Also, when are you coming to the U.K." I ask.

"Umm, Dan. Already in the U.K." Pj jokes.

"Really? I would have never guessed."

"Shut up, ya cheeseballs!" Tyler yells

"I want some fucking cheeseballs." Connor says

"Shush, you. Anyway, we should be there in a few weeks." Tyler sighs.

"Well, thanks for letting me know, giving me ideas, and calling me a cheeseball."

"See ya later, Dan." Pj waves at the camera

"Bye Danny." Troye and Tyler say in unison.

"Peace out D-slice!" Says Connor.

"Bye, you weirdos!"

I hang up and look at my notebook full of ideas.

- pink stuff

- a cool cake

- a piñata

- a fuck ton of candy

- confetti

Dan, Phil, and The Two KidsWhere stories live. Discover now