Chapter Sixteen

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The next morning I opened my eyes, slowly getting out of bed, quickly I feel for my head and wait for the pain that never comes. I raise an eyebrow then sigh from relief.

" Well as long as it's not here during the party then I can deal with it." I keep my palm to it before letting go.

Haruhi and May stir in their beds before waking up and noticing me standing there.

May jumps out of bed and stands next to me. " Hey, how are you feeling? should you really be standing up?"

I giggle lightly. " Yeah, I'm fine. Hey wanna order in for breakfast? then I can jump in the shower before the nurse comes."

Quickly she walks over to the phone and dials the hotel room service.

" Yep. Birthday girl wants to order make sure its good and something special." Mary hangs up the phone and sits down on the bed smiling.

Haruhi stands up and pulls on some sweats and a shirt. " Hey, I'm going to tell the guys i'll be eating in here or I won't hear the end of it."

I nod. " Alright. But hurry back otherwise the food will get cold."

As Haruhi shuts the door behind her Mary glances over at me, her smile disappeared and its now a serious frown.

" I know your in pain. Even from last night I couldn't do anything.....I know that you almost overdosed.....Yuri-"

I glance over at her with a straight face. " Look, it wasn't intentional....and besides.....I threw the bottle away and the pain is gone....I'll be fine."

" But Yuri, you have some of the symptoms for a brain injury! your having trouble remembering things....Yesterday you got lost on where the bathroom was in the lobby after I told you five times!"

I glance up at Mary whose worried. " So? It's not like I'm doing it all the time.....Look don't worry so much."

A knock on the door startles Yuri. " Yes? who is it?"

" It's Judy Wells, I'm the nurse from Okinawa city hospital. I'm here to check up on Ms. Yuri Suzuki."

I walk towards the door. " Come in."

When she reaches a chair she has me sit in it and did normal check up procedures. Finally she started to shine the light in my eyes and I winced at the light.

" Ms. Suzuki are you having a tough time with the light?"

I nod slowly. " Only a little bit. I think it's just because I barely woke up before you came."

" Hmm. Okay, and have you had any bad headaches or migraines?" She glanced up from her medical notes.

I shake my head. Looking from the corner of my eye I knew Mary was disapproved and knew I was lying to her, but I had to. I can't miss out on my birthday....I missed out on yesterday and I was feeling fine.

" Alright. Well all your vitals and temperature seem to be doing well and are stabilized. But be sure to let me know if your headache worsens or if your sensitivity to light or sound worsens.....You'll need to head straight to the hospital understand?"

I nod. " Of course. I'll contact you guys immediately if that happens."

" Good luck, call me or doctor Akazuki. Oh and happy birthday to you and your brother." She smiles and waves goodbye while I mirror her image until she shuts the door behind her.

" Yuri, what the hell? why didn't you tell her about the pain medication? or your headaches!"

" Because I knew that I'd have to go back in the hospital.....I don't want to scare anyone...or have them worry alright? Just leave it be!" I hiss at her.

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