Chapter 79: Admit It

Start from the beginning

He frowned as I got up and walked over to his gift bag once more to slip the note back inside.

"Did you read that?"


"Are you mad?"

"Nope, I'm fine—"

"You don't seem fine..."

He came at me from the side, attempting to give me a hug, but I shoved him away.

"Stop Colin—"

"See?! Why are you in such a bad mood?"

"I'm not Colin I just don't want to talk to you because any time I try to talk to you it ends in an argument—"

"We live together Savannah, what do you expect? We're practically married!"

I looked at him with a confused expression on my face.

"I dont know why I said that," he claimed, rubbing his face out of frustration, "I'm going upstairs..."

I didn't speak as he walked past me. The smell of vanilla and honey wafted behind as he left. I took another candy bar and walked back to the couch to sulk. At this point I didn't even care about being in a relationship with Colin, I just wanted my friend back. Moments later, Colin came back downstairs fully clothed, with a blow dryer in hand.

"Will you do this for me?"

"Do what?" I asked, turning my attention away from the television.

"I have a gala to go to tonight, and I'm presenting so I need to get my hair looking somewhat descent..."

I thought about asking why he couldn't do it himself, but I realized that would just start another argument.

"What do you want me to do," I sighed, plugging in the blow dryer as he handed it off to me, along with some pomade and a comb.

"Just do whatever you think looks good," he smiled, sitting on the floor in front of my legs and looking up to me, "I trust your judgement..."

I smiled back at him and he watched tv as I dried his hair.

"You're too used to this you know," I insisted, "Being on set all the time really has you spoiled..."

"I know," he laughed.

"Speaking of being on set today... Did anything happen that you wanna talk about?"

I turned off the dryer and worked the pomade into his hair, hinting that if he wanted to talk, now was the time. I wanted to know more about this Callie girl.

"Where do I even begin..."

"Well, what'd you do when you first got to set?"

He thought about it for a few moments before finally speaking up.

"I walked to set, went into my trailer, and a few minutes later..."

He was speaking slow and meticulously. Almost as if he knew that what he had to say was going to piss me off.

"What is it Colin?" I asked innocently, eager to know what was bothering him so much, "Can you shift so I can do the front?"

He let out a deep sigh and turned around to face me.

"Jennifer came in... Let's just say we didn't sit on the couch and talk about the weather, but it did rain..."

"Oh my gosh Colin—"

"I know– I thought I wanted her, but I regret everything now. We both regret it—"

"That's no excuse! She's married, you couldn't have her if you both wanted each other!"

"It will never happen again, trust me..."

I sighed and tried to keep my cool.

"What are you going to tell Reece?"

Colin stared into my eyes with a blank look on his face.

"We aren't telling him anything..."

"Colin you can't just have sex with your friend's wife and keep it under wraps! Did you even use protection? What if she has a child?!"

"Savannah she's not pregnant ... He will never know if you don't tell him," Colin insisted, looking into my eyes, "Can I trust you?"

I thought for a few seconds about what kind of information I was holding on to. If I didn't tell Reece, it'd be wrong of me, but if I did tell him... his entire world would come crashing down and it could ruin the lives of everyone around him.

"Fine Colin... I won't tell him..."

"Thank you Savannah"

He let out a sigh of relief and I went back to fixing his hair. I needed a change of subject fast...

"So who is this Callie everyone keeps talking about?"

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