"Such a vixen." Namjoon mumbled whilst sucking on my collarbone. In return, I threw my head back and let out a moan. He grinded his newly made hard on into me. Euphoria took over and I went to wrap my arms around his neck but he swiftly grabbed them and held them above my head. Our eyes locked, his full of lust and another emotion I couldn't quite pinpoint.

"You wanna keep teasing me or do I have to find one of your gang members to please me?" This ticked something off in his head, he immediately ripped off our boxers and then slid the hoodie off of me. We were both exposed, all that was heard was his rough breathing as he smirked and inserted a digit. I arched my back, caught off guard but pleased with the new feeling.

"You belong to no one but me. Never forget that." He sneakily slid in another digit before I groaned and gave him a smug look.

"I belong to no one but myself." He grunted, removing his fingers quickly. I whined in distaste, missing the feeling already. "Why don't you show me who I belong to?" I batted my eyelashes innocently, as if I didn't know just what I was doing to him. He merely chuckled lowly before shoving himself inside of me, causing a hitch in my throat. The simple action made me lose my breath, a moan escaping.

Namjoon eyed me, content with my reaction. I couldn't egg him on anymore as he began to thrust slowly, kissing me then going to leave more love bites on my once unpainted skin. He jerked roughly, making me moan his name loudly with my bottom lip in between my teeth.

"Where do you think you're escaping to?" I shuttered.

"W-What're you-" "I'm not stupid." Namjoon growled while he thrusted into me harder, making it hard to focus on what he was saying. "I saw the bags before I went to bed. You couldn't possibly be thinking of leaving me, right Princess?" My breath faltered and my eyes hazily opened. He knew something.

"Joonie, I-" My sentence was left unfinished due to Namjoon thrusting into me harder and successfully hitting the right set of nerves. I banged against the wall as he nipped at my skin. He was mad and he was taking his anger out in the best way. I wasn't going to complain. Why would I? Sure, my plans were now exposed but I'll let him fuck me against the wall before I try to dig my way out of the hole I dug myself into. Namjoon gripped my length and pumped it at a fast pace, we both were a groaning mess. I was pleasured beyond my limits. I didn't think I could hold my seed in any longer, the whimper that pushed past my lips let Namjoon know that.

"Release, baby." On cue I released as he did the same. Namjoon pulled out and slid his boxers on, then he put his hoodie over me. I was thinking about cleaning up the mess we made but the look in his eyes told me that he wanted to discuss serious matters now. He was sat on the bed, when I walked closer he gripped my wrist and pulled me onto his lap. "Care to explain or do I need to start yelling?" His grip on my waist tightened.

"I was just going to stay at Hoseok's for a little. You've gotten busy lately. I don't like being here alone, I was going to tell you but you already made your own assumptions." I was now the one trying to act mad, I wasn't technically lying.

"Why didn't you just tell me, Princess?" Namjoon stroked my hair, his once anger filled eyes back to his loving one.

"I didn't want to be a bother..." I mumbled out a sad excuse with my head hung low.

"I'd do anything for you. You know that." Namjoon tilted my head up and pecked my lips. "What my Princess wants, he gets. I can assure you that."

How the hell am I supposed to slip away at night now that he has me feeling like a love struck teenager? It's almost as if Namjoon knew just the right words to say to get his way. This shouldn't be a surprise to me though. Namjoon was well known in the gangster community for his way with words, and of course his harsh torture practices. Many saw him as a soulless and heartless man, which is partially the reason why I haven't been under attack yet. No one believed he had a boyfriend, or no one knew of me just yet. I was fine with it though, I liked being only Namjoon's. I liked being the reason he snuck off work. I was his secret lover, his vixen behind closed doors. I was perfectly fine being a secret.

"Let's get some rest." I nodded and we both slid under the covers. He wrapped his arms around me tightly and pecked my cheek. "Sweet dreams, babyboy." I mumbled out a goodnight and watched him fall asleep. I sighed softly and snuggled into his chest, my stomach dropping at the thought of trying to escape his hold and disappearing for a short while until Namjoon takes care of his dangerous business.


The bedside clock shown the time brightly. The red numerals staring through me, glowing as if giving a warning as to not wake the beast up next to me. The beast I began to love so much. The beast I was willing to do anything for. It was my job as a gangster's lover.

2:45 AM, right on the dot.

I gently wiggled out of Namjoon's arms, with much struggle I managed to get out of his hold. When I was grabbing my suitcase and duffle bag he began to shuffle in bed. I knew I had little time before he woke up from the loss of warmth that radiated from me. I was now standing at the bedroom door, tiptoeing past and heading towards the front door. When I opened the door slowly, I saw a yawning Hoseok leaning against Yoongi's car. Hoseok perked up at the sight of me and quickly came to carry my baggage.

"I'm gonna grab my phone real quick, I didn't realize I forgot it 'til now." I whispered, Hoseok hesitantly nodded and dragged my stuff to Yoongi (who was now standing at the trunk of his car.)

I shuffled upstairs quietly and grabbed my phone. My eyes met a peaceful Namjoon. His sleeping figure caused me to frown. I started having doubts. I shouldn't do this, I couldn't leave him here without a full explanation. Before I could talk myself out of my decision, I gently pecked Namjoon on his forehead. Just as I was about to walk away Namjoon's hand gripped my arm and pulled me down for a kiss.

"Why're you up?" He said groggily, I swallowed thickly and smiled stiffly.

"Bathroom." Namjoon nodded but the look in his eyes told me he wasn't buying it.

Shit. Shit. Shit.

"Did you also decide that to be able to use the bathroom you need a fresh set of jeans with shoes on?" I gaped, he clearly wasn't an idiot even if he had just woke up. At least I think he just woke up, he could've been awake this whole time. I laughed nervously, looking away and slyly sending a text to Hoseok.

To: HOESUCC ❤️❤️
He woke up, I think he knows..

I went to slide my phone back into my pocket but Namjoon swiped it out of my hands. I watched with horror, he most definitely was pissed now.

"Tsk, Tsk. Hiding texts from me, trying to sneak out... Just what do you think you're doing, Kim Seokjin?" He used my full name meaning he was beyond angry.

"It's n-not what y-you think." I stuttered, my gaze set on his cold eyes and emotionless expression.

"Isn't it?"

"I'm not cheatin-" "Oh, I know. You're not like that." I went to sigh in relief but his next words had me frozen in place. "But what's the point of leaving me and slipping away to a safe house that I know the exact location of?"

Damnit, Yoongi. How the hell did he find out?

"Send them a text that you changed your mind." Namjoon tossed my phone back in which I fumbled when going to catch it. "What part of 'you're mine' did you not get? I can't just let what's mine slip away, now can I?"


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