Chapter 41

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*Author's note*
You guys said you wanted to know my secrets. Well, I can tell you one.

There are only four chapters left, aside from this one. Can you believe we're almost at the finish line? Wow.
You guys have been asking, and now the chapter is here! I hope you enjoy reading this little chapter!
Until Tuesday!


Chelsea's POV:

It's been four days of pure awkwardness. The events of what happened four nights ago haunt me on a daily basis and I have no clue how to handle the situation at hand. I know I put myself in it more or less, but the outcome however was nothing like I expected it to be. I expected it to be one of those romantic movie scenes where the bad boys reveals his true feelings for the good girl, and she no longer has to be in doubt about him. I wanted it to be one of those moments where the bad boy says something that makes the girl defy everything she was ever taught, just for him.

But oh, the wrongness of me and my fairytale like mind.

I took a leap that I wasn't prepared to make. I told him I loved him, and I got nothing back. The heat and explosion of desire and feelings that I felt between us during our kiss disappeared like thin air the minute I spoke up, and instant regret hit me like a truck. When his hands were no longer on me, when he was no longer near me, when he was running his hand through his hair while he looked disoriented and confused, it felt like I was experiencing severe acid reflux, or was it just me choking on my breath to keep myself from crying?

The imagery never left my mind. Not for one second during the day, and definitely not during the night. Dreams of how I'd imagined it to turn out when someday I'd tell Jason how I felt had turned into horrid nightmares of that same scenario.

"Let's get home eh?" And then he had gotten into the car, put the key in the ignition and waited for me to get in. That was allI got from him after speaking the words that had filled my whole being for too long.

The outcome of the unfortunate event that happened when words blurted themselves out of my mouth was that Jason and I barely spoke, and when we did it was awkward and usually only with one or two-word replies. 'Good morning' and 'good night' were reoccurring conversations of ours, but things had definitely changed.

I no longer fell asleep in the arms of Jason, nor did I wake up in his arms, something of which saddened me deeply. Never would I have imagined that the first guy - other than my dad - whom I spoke the sacred three words to would react like Jason had did, and it made my heart ache in agonizing pain and make me want to light myself on fire just so I'd never have to face him again.

But I guess maybe I was too quick to speak such words to him. Jason was never very verbal when it came it his feelings. Not that he was very psychical either, unless what he felt was desire or anger.

Another side effect of Jason and I barely speaking was that I thought more about my dad and Lizzie. My mom too. I couldn't stop thinking of the situation back home. Were dad still looking for me? Did mom move back home to help dad get by? Did Lizzie make new friends to suppress the loss of me? Could she have forgotten me in belief that I would never return? They were all questions with no answers. What I wanted the most was to just call my dad and tell him I was alright, or even write him a letter and have one of the guys slip it in the mailbox at home, so that he knew I was unharmed and thinking about him.

But Jason wouldn't let me. Under any circumstances.

It's okay Chelsea. Just ask him. He's not going to hurt you and honestly what's the worst that can happen? All he can do is say no, and you can always ask again. I thought to myself as I slowly made my way to the couch area where Jason was seated.

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