Chapter 21

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*Author's Note*
Hope You guys enjoy the INTENSITY cause it's about to get real!
Please vote and comment to let me know what you think about my story!
Ily guys! See you Tuesday!


Chelsea's POV:

"Chelsea," his voice cooed as I took another step towards him. I was almost there, in his arms, in his embrace.

A light emerging from me became brighter and brighter, the faint sound of an engine closing in on me, but I didn't put it in mind. Jason was my only focus as I fought for the blurry image ahead of me to become clearer.

A screeching sound of tires gliding over the raw asphalt drew little of my attention, making Jason even blurrier. "No," I begged as he slowly disappeared in front of me, until he was completely gone and I was left with nothing but the ray of moonlight he had stood in.

I stopped walking, just staring at the empty space ahead of me as tears swelled up in my eyes slowly. Did I really miss him this much? How could he have affected me so quickly. I wiped a tear away from the corner of my eye as I rebuilt myself after my moment of weakness.

Weakness for Jason.

"Chelsea?" Someone called behind me, a familiar voice. A car-door slammed loudly, disturbing the silence along with the buzzing sound of a running engine. I didn't turn around. "Chelsea..." someone called out again, the voice being almost nothing but a faint sigh, and a little closer this time too.

That tone, that hoarse, raspiness. I knew it. I knew I did.

I turned around and was instantly blinded by the bright lights coming from the car, making it impossible for me to see who was there. Lifting my arm to shield my eyes from the light as I squinted them together, I asked: "Who's there?"

A black figure, not much taller than myself, took slow steps towards me. The light from the car hugging the male silhouette tightly as he came closer and closer. As he did, I slowly lowered my arm, allowing myself to see more of the mystery ahead of me as it revealed itself to me.

His high-set cheekbones and hollowed out cheeks spoke for themselves along with the silhouette of his disheveled, messy hair.

"Jason?" My voice spoke under a breath, afraid that he, too, would disappear in front of me the second I got too close. Only I wasn't the one moving. He stopped moving when he was approximately three yards away from me. He didn't speak, but simply stuck his hands in his pockets and lowered his head a little. A deep set chuckle roared from his chest, and I knew I was right. It really was him.

"Jason," I wanted to say more, but my vocal cords were tying and untying knots on themselves and before I could have reacted to my own actions, I had already moved towards him, stopping right in front of him, looking at his handsome face in the the dimness of the moon light, mixed with the brighter light from the car.

"What are you doing here?" I whispered and fiddled with my hands, not knowing what to do with them. The thing is I never knew what to do with my hands in the presence of Jason, it's like my hands were useless limps.

I would have expected an answer from him, and I guess I kind of did get that as he gently cupped my cold face in his warm hands and pulled my face to his in an endearing kiss. A soft, raspy, relieved moan rung from his chest as our lips pressed together and I began kissing him back. My hands found their way to his chest, and thats when I realized - he wasn't wearing a jacket and it was a shivering 35 degrees out here.

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