Chapter 6

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*Author's Note*
Thank you for clicking onto my story! I hope you enjoy!
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See you again Tuesday!


Jason's POV:

I pressed the little button on the remote changing the channel on the tv as I slid onto the couch lazily. "Hey?" Andrew questioned and looked at me with a confused look on his face. "I was watching that?" He stated. "I don't care," I mumbled to myself without looking at him, flipping through channels trying to find something worth watching. In the end I stopped on the channel Andrew was already watching. "Whatever man," he sighed deeply and leaned further back in the couch.

I had slept horribly last night. My sleep was good until the girl started bumping her head into the wall and woke me up. I got really pissed at her. Part of me even felt bad about how harsh on her I had been, but I was still pissed that she had called the cops instead of minding her own damn business.

She put herself in this situation.

She gave me no choice but to take her with me as she would've told the cops everything she had seen. I couldn't risk my whole business going down because of a nosy little girl.

"Why are you so grumpy today?" Tyler asked from the kitchen. I knew he was talking to me, because I was the only grumpy one here. If you only knew what went down last night. "Didn't sleep much." My voice was indifferent and cold as I spoke.

What I did last night was basically torture. One thing was kidnapping her to make sure I wouldn't get caught, another thing was psychically torturing her. I didn't mean for it to go that far. I recognized a slight bit of shame in my disturbed and tangled emotions. Ashamed that I would hurt a girl like that. My anger was getting to me.


I knocked on the door to the room she was in before I opened it. It was cold in here and she sat exactly where I left her, looking weak and exhausted. She sat in an awkward position on the floor with her back against the wall. I cleared my voice and she lifted her head limply and watched me with tired eyes.

I walked to the little window in the room which was slightly open. I closed it as it was freezing in here. I turned on the heater hoping for her that it'd get warmer in here soon so she wouldn't get sick. 

Chelsea's POV:

I heard footsteps coming up the stairs in the back of my head. I wondered if it was something I imagined or if it was him. If it was, was he coming to hurt me again? I'm not mentally prepared for any sort of pain. I hadn't slept last night. Every time I closed my eyes the feeling of water forcing its way into my lungs returned. I felt like almost drowning all over again.

My heart started racing again when I heard a knocking on the door. It opened and I knew it was him. I tensed slightly, but didn't look at him for one moment until he cleared his voice. I followed him as he walked to the window and closed it.

I was glad he did. It had gotten really cold in here.

My hands started trembling as he came towards me and squatted down in front of me like last night. He looked different in the daylight. Almost handsome, but his cruel person ruined whatever good looks he might've had.

I pulled my hand slightly back as he touched it. "Relax." He spoke monotonously beginning to untie the ropes around my weak, bruised wrists. Is he going to let me go? "I have to pee..." I whispered silently. I almost couldn't here my own voice, but he looked at me and nodded a little bit, "okay." He said.

I don't know why he was suddenly being like this. Yesterday he spat at me, almost drowned me and treated me like shit. Now he was almost being kind?.

My wrists hurt even when the ropes were off. Now was the first time I really got a look at the cuts and excoriations on my wrists. A few tears blurred my sight as I rubbed my wrists carefully. I whined as I placed my hand on the floor, using it for support to get up. It felt like my wrist collapsed. My lower lip started quivering as more tears formed in my eyes causing me to squint. A few of the tears fell to the floor.

Unexpectedly I felt two hands on my upper arms. He pulled me off the floor without struggling. My legs wobbled as they were weak from not being used for a couple of days.

"Are you going to let me pee or what?" I asked, my voice nothing but a slight whisper, as he stood there in the doorway to the bathroom. He was like a hawk. Did he think I was going to run? I wanted to, but my injured wrists and weak legs would never be able to carry me.

"I'll be right here so don't do anything stupid." He asserted with a finger pointed at me as he closed the door. He had taken the key, so I couldn't lock it. This guy is crazy. I didn't know how long he was going to keep me here, but if he planned on keeping me here for a longer while, I hope it wasn't going to be like this - torture at night and kindness during the day, because that would end up breaking me down.

I gently splashed some cold water in my face hoping I'd look better when I saw my reflection again, but sadly I looked like the same tired, exhausted girl with bags under her eyes. I look terrible.

I gasp as I reach out for the door and it opened before I touch it. "Are you done or wha- sorry..." he said as he looked at me. His voice remained monotone and cold. Almost robotic in a way. I look into his cold, distant eyes realizing their deep brown color.

His eyes don't posses the typical warmth that other brown eyes do. I guess that warmth comes from within. I step out of the bathroom carefully and he wraps his arm around my waist to keep me standing up as we walk back to the room we had just come from.


"I hope this is better," he says as he pushes the single mattress against the wall. He had left me in the room, untied, to go get a mattress for me to sit and sleep on. What is going on? It was like he had completely changed personality over night. It was almost as though he cared for my wellbeing at some point. I liked the thought of that, but it was quickly overshadowed by memories of the man that shoved me in a trunk, tied me to the floor and spat at me like a slave.

"Thank you," I muttered silently as I crawled onto the mattress appreciating its comforting softness compared to the hardwood floor. He turns around walking towards the door. "What's your name?" I ask before he exit. He has the doorknob in his hand and his other hand placed on the doorframe. I notice him clenching his jaw at my question.

"Irrelevant." He declared shutting the door behind him.

I jolted a slight bit when the door slammed shut. I sighed deeply. Just a second ago he was being nice, he got me a mattress to sleep on and then just with one question he was back to the guy I had come to know. The cold, remorseless guy who didn't care the slightest bit for how I slept at night.

I looked down at my wrists. Reds - blue - and yellow-ish colors covered my skin. I noted some solidified blood here and there. I sobbed by the look of my wrists and touched them slightly, letting the exquisite pain shoot through my sensitive skin, I winched a bit at the stinging sensation and bit down on my lip.

This wasn't supposed to happen,

I was supposed to come home peacefully and wait for my dad. I was supposed to ask him how the investigation was going. Instead - I ended up being another investigation he'd have to take care of.

I'm so sorry dad. I dropped my head between my shoulders, sobbing softly to myself. "I should've left... I should've stayed out of it." I shook my head, painfully regretting that I had put just walked away the other night. "I was supposed to come home." I whispered to myself as I felt the warm tears slowly trail down my cheeks.

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