Chapter Sixteen

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Gavin was shocked beyond belief. His stomach felt like it was in knots hearing about his parents. He thought of his mother and felt sick. He couldn't believe this was his little brother spewing out so much hate. The Elves had gotten to Mason. He didn't want to think about his parents right now.

The massive beasts continued circling each other, watching every muscle twitch in anticipation of an attack. Gavin was limping severely, favoring his front shoulder.

Mason spat, "You are not the greatest Siruqoy anymore, Gavin. I have been training for the last eight years with the Elves. The Elves have given me an education far beyond my wildest imagination. My powers and abilities have far surpassed your own, all for the single purpose of destroying you."

Breathless, Gavin replied, "Mason you don't want to do this. Think about what you are doing. We are family. Our family has always believed in the Siri way, and it is our duty to protect them."

At the mention of family, Mason's face filled with rage. He was like a snake about to strike. Mason slowly stalked away and vanished in the tall grass. Gavin was alert. He knew what was coming. He saw something blurry spring forward, as Mason leapt from out of the grass, and landed on Gavin's back trying to bite through his thick skin. Gavin abruptly tucked his head and threw Mason off his back, roaring loudly in pain and anger. Mason lunged again, slamming his enormous paws into Gavin's chest. The powerful blow knocked Gavin off his feet. Gavin pulled his bruised body off the ground, just in time to dodge another attack from Mason. Gavin ran towards the river's edge and attempted to leap to the other side. As he jumped, however, his battered shoulder buckled, sending him tumbling into the river.

He felt huge large teeth clamp down on his leg, as he saw his own brother in the shape of a crocodile trying to pull him under the water. Gavin dug his claws into the embankment and screamed out in pain. His whole body was throbbing but he kept his grip, preventing Mason from drowning him. Gavin could not take much more trauma and focused his thoughts on a proper defense. Gavin was better than this, but out of practice. His brother was good, surprisingly good.

Despite every muscle in his body screaming for relief, Gavin was patient, waiting for Mason to make a mistake. Gavin changed himself into an anaconda, and encircled his body around Mason, squeezing and squeezing, as part of him was still bleeding from the crocodile wound.

Gavin hissed, "Do not do this brother. You are better than the Elves. Remember who you are." Gavin could have killed Mason instantly but he knew that he needed to talk some sense into him. Gavin let up, just enough for Mason to slip out from his grasp, as he became the smallest fish in the river, and disappeared. Gavin looked around the trees, the tall grass in the field, up in the air. He was in too much pain to try and run. He shifted back into a lion and crouched down low waiting for the attack. For the first time in a very long time, he was nervous. Seconds became hours, as he searched. Suddenly, Gavin saw Mason spring into the air at him, but he was too hurt to get out of the way in time. Gavin felt himself caught in the teeth of a Tiger.

Dragged by his neck through the field, Mason growled and bit down on Gavin hard. Gavin felt himself losing consciousness.

After releasing his bite, Mason said, "I do know who I am. Remember, duty first, family second. My duty is to get rid of you, and I have no family."

Mason looked down on his brother who lay almost lifeless on the grass. He wasn't dead, but would be soon. He had been so angry at him all of these years. He had let his anger build and build, and he finally unleashed his full fury on Gavin. Mason had pictured this moment a thousand times before. However, Mason did not feel as happy and fulfilled as he had envisioned. He crept away, and glanced over at his brother's broken, lifeless body once more. He felt a twinge of guilt sweep through him. He knew that his brother hadn't tried his hardest against him. He knew he would be weak. That is why Mason won the battle. Gavin had a weak spot- family, and Mason had used it against him. He couldn't watch his brother's life end. It would happen on its own, that was all the mercy he would show. Now, he would be the most powerful Siruqoy in all of Aladarien. Mason turned his back and slowly sauntered away.

A little blue fairy was fluttering near one of the trees in the distance. Talia had witnessed the attack on Gavin. She waited until Mason was out of sight and then was instantly at his side. She danced around him spreading her magic over him. He stirred only a little and let out a soft moan. He looked very bad. His fur was matted to his bloody face, and both of his legs appeared to be a broken. Talia hummed a low pitched song, and very soon other fairies were by her side. They all worked together. His legs healed and his neck wound recovered. When they were all finished, he sat up dizzily and asked which direction Mason had gone.

"He headed that way, Gavin; however, you probably aren't ready for another fight at this point. You need to rest. The magic will only heal the fatal wounds, but it needs more time. We did the best we could," Talia said.

Gavin knew she was right and felt bad he hadn't expressed his gratitude. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be rude. Thank you, all of you. I owe you my life. I will forever be indebted to you. I'm just worried about Princess Corinne. She is in grave danger and needs my help." Gavin hesitated, worrying if he had said too much, but knew he could trust Talia.

"Talia, I must alert the Queen at once and let her know of what has happened here. I don't have time to waste. I need you to help me find Corinne. You and your friends search the Wooded Glen and the Emery Forest. They have to be making their way to Brimsdelle. If you see anything, do not try to contact her, just alert the Queen immediately." Talia was incredibly worried, but did as she was told, proud to be helping in such an important cause.

Despite Mason's new powers, Gavin still understood more about the Siruqoy than anyone in his race. Family or not, he would act like the great Gavin Hawk that he knew he was and protect Corinne at all costs. In a great swoosh of sparkling dust, his large hairy body transformed into one of the most ancient and prehistoric of bugs - a tiny mosquito.

Mason was exhausted physically and mentally. His senses were not at his best, so much so, that when his brother Gavin landed on top of him, he didn't even notice. Gavin transformed into a Singi spider, the most poisonous spider in Aladarien, and slowly crept up his neck. He bent down and bit him gently, but hard enough to push a small amount of poison through his skin. Transforming back into the mosquito, he flew away and waited, watching painfully in the distance. It had taken every ounce of energy he had to perform that bite. He had to regain his strength.

Gavin rested and before long, his brother lost his balance and twitched violently. Mason lay down on the ground, and put his paw up to his neck. Despite his best efforts, Mason could not fight the poison over-taking his body. He lay motionless on the long yellow grass. Gavin shifted back into a hawk and flew over to his brother. He put his wings on Mason's chest and whispered, "Svatna." The giant tiger's body shifted into a black hawk. Gavin picked him up and carried him in his claws, flying all the way back to Brimsdelle.


So I loved and hated writing this chapter. Mason is evil and Gavin is still forgiving, loving and represents what a good brother should be. Sometimes family relationships are complicated.

Reina: Return of the Princess (*COMPLETE*)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon