Why Are You Here?

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Y/N will now be YN

Sketch POV
The text was from Ethan! He heard that YN and Corl were getting married so he wanted to come out and see us all. "It was from Ethan! He wants to come to Canada for a bit." I told Denis and YN. "Well yeah he can come out! But make sure that Kaitlyn knows haha." Denis laughed. I went with YN to get the spare room set up.

Corl POV
I was ready to give the note to Alex. I went to his door and slid it under. I retreated back to my room.

Alex POV
I was feeling so guilty about kissing YN. Then I seen something slide from under my door. I went over to it and picked it up. It was a letter from Corl.
Dear Alex,
I was really mad at you for kissing YN. I'm over it now. Plus the wedding is in a few days and I guess I should have been nicer to you in school when you told me you liked her. My point is I am sorry.

I was shocked Corl had actually wrote that note. I went over to Corls room and told him i accepted. We hugged and went downstairs.

Sketch POV
YN and I just got the room for Ethan set up. I went downstairs to find Kaitlyn. "Hey Kate! Uh Ethan is coming to Canada for a week or so to congradulate YN and Corl on the wedding in a few days. You can tell us apart right?" I ask feeling silly asking that question. "Well of course I can tell you guys apart! Ethan's the hotter one right? Just kidding!" She joked. Honestly she kinda worried me for a second. I gave her a hug and she kissed me. I kissed back and we watched the movie "Bridge To Terribithia." (My favorite movie of all time! Does anyone else know that movie? I will insert the theme song)
I put my arm around her and just sat there for a long while.

Ethan POV
I was really bored at home and my girlfriend was out of town so I wanted to go see Elijah for his friends wedding or something. He said I could come so I got ready and took the next flight to Canada.

Ooooh! So how many if you actually know that movie XD! Not much to say but this is like the 34/40 chapters! Then I will begin the Sketch X Reader and possibly start the Denis X Reader! I have one more surprise but that will be announced on the last chapter of this book. Bye Unicorns Stay Magical!-Liv

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