Halley and Sky (part 1) Im Sorry?

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I know the song doesnt make sense with this chapter. But im obsessed with this song so yeah!

I didnt know what to do. I knew how Halley felt. I seen Sky kiss Braden at the mall right in front of me before. I ran upstairs after Harvey who followed Halley and Braden ran after me. *Knock Knock* the door opened. We walked inside and shut the door. Halley was still crying. "Listen we kbow how you guys feel." I said. Braden put him arm around me. "Sky kissed me in front of Y/N too." Corl said. "If anyone knows what you guys feel like it is us." I said. A little later we heard a knock at the door. It was Denis, Sub, Elijah, and Alex. "Hey we were wondering if you wanted to do a video with us Corl and Y/N?" Alex said. "Uhm yeah just a minute you guys go get things set up." I said. Corl and I sat down to talk with Harvey and Halley some more.

Adriana POV
I just witnessed more drama with Sky. Before she kissed Braden in front of my sister and now she kissed Harvey in front of Y/N's best friend. (Just saying if sky does read this im sorry just for the sake of the story) i grabbed Sky's arm and brought her into another room. I locked the door and said, "Sky! Dont you think you have brought enough drama over here! What made you kiss someone who already is taken?!" She looked at me and just ran out of the door and left the house. Nobody chased after. Lexi, Sage, Tabitha, Jenny, Kylie, Lydia, and Kaitlyn sat on the couch staring with a smile. I ran uostairs to find wveryone else. I seen they were recording so i left it be.

-----------------1 week later-------------
I ran away from all my "friends" because i knew they would never forgive me. I bumped into one of my old friends Riley. (I dont know anyone named Riley so if your name is Riley i guess your in my story now 😂😂) "Riley?" I asked. "Sky?" She asked. "Omg its been ages!" We both said. "Where you living these days Sky?" Well no where now. I just ran away from all my friends because i made a huge mistake. I live ok the other side of Canada." I said. We walked to her house to chat for a bit.

Halley POV
I heard Sky has left. I felt kinda bad but 99.9% of me was glad she was gone. We all decided to go hang out at a cafe over town. Then we went to get ice cream. Harvey and i shared one, Corl and Y/N shared one, and Denis and Tabitha shared one. (If halley reads this she is probably wishing this was true.) we then returned home for bed.

Hey guys sorry so short but i will update again tonight but right now im with my cousin so yeah! Bye my unicorns! -Liv

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