The Date

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Corl and I went on a date night befire the wedding tomorrow. I couldn't be happier. We went D'atris. (A restraunt that I love) It was so beautiful and romantic. We dined on the second floor and it was perfect. Everything at the venue was set, Denis was probably worried, everyone else was happy, except for Alex who still liked me.

Corl POV
We went to a fancy like restraunt that I forget the name of. I paid for everything and the wedding sadly will be sorta cheap with a expensive wedding venue because first of all my best friend is the pastor, and all the girls who live with me made the cake. As long as YN was happy, I was happy. "YN, I can't be happier. Are you happy?" I asked while smiling. "I will always be happy, as long as you love me." She smiled. We got our food then ate. We talked for quite a while. We laughed and her laugh is absolutely amazing. Just like her. She always said, "As long as you love me." I don't really know why but I loved it! We went home to find everyone but Kaitlyn and Sketch asleep. "What are you guys doing awake still?" I asked them. "Nothing. Just not tired." Sketch replied. "Okay but tomorrow is YN and my wedding so go get some sleep soon." I said whilst walking off with YN to our room. We got into bed and fell asleep.

Tomorrow was the big day. The day I would marry my true love, my best friend, and my everything. No matter what happened I will always love Braden as long as he loved me. I always say, "I will always be happy as long as you love me." I don't know when I started saying it and I don't know why I kept saying it but I liked it.

Hey guys this is the second to last chapter of As Long As You Love Me! Bye Unicorns Stay Magical-Liv

As Long As You Love Me (Corl X Reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt