Corl's Big Surprise (part 4)

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Corl POV
Today was the day. The day in which I would ask Y/N to marry me. I know its been only a few months but I knew I loved her. I went to go set up the canopy in which I would ask. On my way there I ran into my ex girlfriend Wendy. "Hey Braden." She said. "What do you want Wendy?" I asked slightly annoyed. "Just seeing how you have been and all." She said while getting closer. I stuck the ring box in my pocket. "Why are you getting so close?" I asked worried. We were in the middle of a small town. Right outside a donut shop in which I was stopping at to buy Y/N a treat. "Because I still love you and I know you still love me!" She exclaimed. I was backed against a table now.

Today was my birthday! I walked downstairs and seen everyone on the couch. "Happy Birthday Y/N!" Everyone exclaimed. I smiled. "Thanks! Where's Corl?" I asked. "I really don't know" Alex said. Everyone else shook their heads. I then decided to go into town. As I drove by the donut shop I seen something I was mad at. I seen Corl leaning against a table being kissed by his ex girlfriend Wendy. "Braden! How dare you! You cheater!" I yelled as I drove away. Corl was yelling behind saying things like "It's not me!" I really wanted to believe him but I can't. After all this time he was seeing his ex girlfriend Wendy! I drove home and ran on the couch to cry. Then my phone began going off. They were text messages from Corl.
C-Y/N please believe me its not me
Y-why corl? Why should i?
C-because you love me?
Y-right now i really dont know
C-what are you saying?
Y-im saying i need time alone
I stopped texting
Then Halley came in the house and seen me crying. "What happened?" She asked. "C-Corl is c-cheating o-on me with his ex!" I said through sobs. "Why that little-" She let her voice trail off. "Listen I'm sure he had a reason." She told me. "Yeah sure and to make things worse, it's my birthday!" I said. Halley left and Denis came in. "Y/N whats wrong?" He asked. "Corls cheating on me with his ex, Wendy. I seen them kiss today." I said.

Denis POV
I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I knew Corl was proposing today and he goes to kiss his ex? It was off. Very off. I was pretty upset myself. "I can't believe he did that!" I said raging. She kept crying. I sat down next to her to calm her down. Then Corl ran through the door. "Listen I can explain!" He yelled. "I think you've done enough explaining Braden!" Y/N yelled. This was serious. She never called Corl by his real name. "But Y/N-" I cut him off, "Braden how could you?" He looked at me. He was on the verge of crying and raging. He ran upstairs to his room.

Corl POV
I can't believe Wendy had to come in and ruin today! It was also Y/N's birthday. I spent so much money on the ring, the canopy, and the wedding venue. All for this. I was buying starbucks and going to the beach and everything. No one would believe me. Not even Denis, who was with me the entire time. I ran upstairs and cried. I just lost the love of my life. Then I decided I would move back to my old home. Surprisingly no one bought it. I grabbed a peice of paper and I wrote
"Y/N, I'm going back to my old home. I'm sorry for what you seen today. It was Wendy not me. She pinned me to the table. She made out with me. No one believes me though. I was going to propose to you today. I was going to make you happier today. But thats all over. (You crying yet? I am) Goodbye -Corl" I left without anyone noticing. I kept the ring in my pocket and sat the note on her bed.

Soon enough everyone was mad at Braden. Then I went upstairs and seen something on my bed. I read it to myself. I yelled for everyone to come here. They all did and I read the note aloud. I frowned and cried more. They tried to comfort me. I wanted to go after Corl. I ran to my car and Halley and Kaitlyn followed me. They came along too. It was a long way back home. I wanted Braden back.

I got part of this idea from jurassicjj so thanks Jenny. You made really good points and I found a way to make something dramatic happen. Bye unicorns!- Liv

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