Searching, Decorations, and a Decision

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After what had happened with Braden I didn't know what to do. I sobbed in the bathroom for a while and then I realized I should probably leave. I left the mall and started my car to go home. On my way home I decided that mistakes happen and it was just one big mistake. I then thought about Y/N. I knew she liked Corl. Yet I did this to her. I felt like an awful friend. I decided maybe home wasn't the best place to go because I was staying at Y/N's house. I needed to go somewhere else. I decided to go to the beach for a while to get my mind off of things.

Corl, Adriana, and I went around town to look for Sky as the others checked the mall. I kept my thoughts to myself although I felt like bursting into tears. Corl looked at me and said, "Hey listen Y/N, I had no clue what was going on at that moment." Adriana looked at him and then me. That's when something hit my mind. Sky was at the one place she loved. The beach. "GUYS SKY WENT TO THE BEACH!" I yelled. We got into my car and drove away. We found sky sitting in the sand on the beach. She was crying. I ran over to her and hugged her. "Sky I am so sor--" she cut me off. "Y/N it's not your fault it's mine. I should have never kissed Corl." I felt terrible after everything had just happened. Adriana looked at me and gave me a hug. I hugged back. Sky looked at us and said, "Let's go home and call the others." "She's right the others are probably worried sick and we have things to set up for Friday!" Adriana said. We all hopped in my car and then we drove off.

(Still your POV)
As soon as we got home Adriana called the others and I ran upstairs. Braden chased after me. He walked in my room before I had the chance to close it. I began crying and Corl held me close. I sat down on my bed and said, "Corl I am so sorry for not believing you. I guess since we are being honest now it's safe to say...Braden...I like you." I managed to say.

Corls POV
Whenever we got home Y/N ran upstairs after Adriana called the others. I ran after her and got inside her room before she closed it. We sat on her bed and she started crying. I held her close feeling both sorry and loved. She then told me something I never would have ever expected. She told me she liked me. I looked at her in shock. "Y/N..." is all I managed to say. Then we suddenly heard cheering from downstairs. Adriana ran upstairs and said, "Guys everyone is here! And by everyone I mean the rest of the gang!" Corl and I jumped up and ran downstairs to see everyone plus Elijah, Sub, and Alex! We all have hugs and said hello.

Adriana POV
Whenever Y/N ran upstairs Corl ran after her. I had no idea what was going on so I just asked sky. Sky explained everything and I got mad. Sky knew that Y/N liked Corl. "HOW DARE YOU BETRAY MY SISTER LIKE THAT!" I yelled at her. "Look Adriana I'm sorry and she forgave me but--" I cut her off "sorry doesn't cut it." Sky sat down on the couch and was silent for the rest of the day. Then sage, Tabitha, Lexi, Halley, Denis, Lydia, Kylie, and Kaitlyn walked in. They closed the door after bringing in tons of bags. A while later we heard a knock on the door. I answered to see the rest of the gang! I ran upstairs to tell Y/N and Corl. They rushed down. For some reason Corl and Y/N were silent. I then seen Corl drag Y/N into another room. I wondered what was going on so I told Lydia and Kaitlyn to come over. They did and I told them, "Guys Corl just dragged Y/N into the other room. I need you guys to go eavesdrop and tell me what you heard." They nodded their heads and went.

Kaitlyn POV
Adriana hired me and Lydia to go spy on Corl and Y/N in the other room. We heard laughter and talking. Then it started sounding clearer. "Y/N I can't believe you feel the same way about me!" We heard Corl exclaim. "I was supposed to ask you this on Friday but Y/N Y/L/N (your last name) will you be my girlfriend?" Lydia and I stood in shock.

Corl dragged me into another room away from everyone else. We were laughing, flirting, and really hitting it off. Until Corl said something that made my heart beat faster than a cheetah could run. He looked at me and said, "I was supposed to ask you this on Friday but Y/N Y/L/N (your last name) will you be my girlfriend?" I was surprised. His face expression changed to being worried. I decided to say,

Haha so yep this is chapter 6! So that's a pretty big twist hanger! This is my second update for today so you won't get another update til tomorrow :( sorry guys! But anyway for now bye my unicorns -Liv

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