Going Back Home

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*****Kat's P.O.V.*****

It's been a few days since Jeff and Slender attacked the school, and I felt alone. The only reason I'm popular now is because I saved 99.9% of the school and the kids looked up to me as their hero. I just wanted to see Jeff once without him having to drag me back to the mansion.

Toby and BEN did as they said and my dad allowed them. He set up the guest rooms just for Toby and BEN. Hell! He even got us a wafflemaker and more mix for it. We had video games galor. But it still wasn't home.

I knew better than to go back though. If I went back I risked my own mental health. And Kitten's life.

Kitten. I missed my best friend, but I knew she was happy and that's what mattered.

"Um, Kat. Don't look now but the Joker's outside your window." BEN swore as I beat him at Mario Kart once again.

I walked over closing the curtains. Did it hurt? Very much. But I had to block the others out. If I didn't they would guilt me back to the mansion.

This has been going on for the whole week I've been home. It started with Toby and BEN coming over to check on me every once and a while. Now they lived here.

Jeff now shows up frequently with a guilt stricken look in his eyes. Slender stands in the woods outside my window fucking with BEN's games just to get my attention.

And just last night E.J. left me a note signed by everyone but BEN, Toby, himself and Kitten. They hate me for my outburst. I had attacked Kitten and even I myself couldn't forgive my actions. But to be honest, if not everyone wanted me to come back, then I wasn't going to.

When Jeff finally have up I opened the curtains again.

"You can't ignore them forever. They're your family now." Toby walked in holding a few plates of waffles. It seemed that's all we are anymore.

Jeff and L.J. loved your waffles...

I shook my head trying to rid myself of the thought.

"You okay, KitKat?" BEN asked using my nickname he gave me. I laughed it off ruffling his hair.

"I'm fine, ben, honestly." I replied shutting down the Wii. "Anyway, I've gotta go to bed. Got school tomorrow and we're getting a new student. Night ben!" I kissed his cheek. "Night Tobster!" I kissed the top of his head.

"Night Kat!" They said back in sync.

I headed to my room giggling and grabbing my pjs, heading to the bathroom for a quick shower.

When I was finished and smelled dominantly of strawberries, I put on my pjs. Then I brushed my hair and teeth. I walked out of the bathroom noticing a small boy who looked like BEN standing in my room. The only difference was his eyes. One was blue and the other was black and red like BEN's. He wore a green shirt and navy blue pajama pants with a pair of slippers.

"Wh-who are you a-a-and why are you i-in my room?" I stuttered

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"Wh-who are you a-a-and why are you i-in my room?" I stuttered.

"M-my names Ymo. Y-you know my older twin, right?" He asked me clearly nervous.

"His name wouldn't happen to be BEN, would it?" I asked less scared of him. If he's related to BEN he can't be too much trouble.

"Yes! Yes! So you do know my brother! BEN Drowned!" He chanted jumping up and down then running over to hug me. "Could you please take me to see him? Oh pretty please?"

"Calm down! Of course I'll take you to see BEN." I said walking out the door and down the hall to BEN and Toby's shared room. "Hey! BEN! This boy claims to be Ymo your-"

"My evil fucking twit of a twin!" He said voice glitching out in a way I had never heard before. "What do you want, Ymo?"

Toby stood between me and the brothers with his hatchets drawn incase it got out of hand.

"I want the Majora's Mask cartridge. You know, the one you promised I could play when you finished it." Ymo growled glaring at BEN with all his might.

"I never finished it because I died. I haunt that catridge anyway. So you wouldn't be able to play it until I complete it. But unfortunately I can't find it." BEN's voice got glitchier to the point I could barely understand him.

"Well, until you find, beat and pass the game on to me, I'm going to make your life a living hell. Grandpa and I just moved next door." Ymo sneered strutting out the door.

"I can't find the game and he knows it. I looked through all my old things that Grandpa owns. I just can't find it." BEN said the glitchiness calming down a bit.

"A boy named Jadusable, from what I've read, has it." I explained the story to the two boys. "Problem is, I don't know where to find him."

"That's the information I need. But the problem is... If I finish the game my spirit will be put to rest. I won't be able to see you guys or any of the other creepypastas again."

"Then Ymo can suck my dick." Toby said rather harshly for him. "Is three need to come up with a plan to a) get Kat back into Slender Mansion and b) find a way around you and this game of your's before you go finding and playing it."

"He's right BEN. We have to get back-" I cut myself off. "Wait I'm not going back to the mansion. That's why I'm ignoring the pastas and their hints of wanting me to come back. E.J. and Kitten don't want me there. Not after my outburst the other day where I attacked her."

"And if you never *tick* go back you can't *tick* fix that!" Toby yelled, twitching here and there letting me know he was getting mad and would lash out any second.

"F-fine! If you honestly think they'll let me come back, we'll go tomorrow morning. Just let me at least say bye to my dad then we can leave this place." I said nervous about this decision.

They hate me. So, why would any of them want me to come home?

I walked back into my room seeing Jeff in the window. I ran over and opened it surprising him.

"I-I g-guess I'm coming h-home tomorrow." I stuttered nervously looking to the side. Jeff suddenly tackled me to my bed. I knew what he was doing. Searching my eyes for any lies.

"Why would I lie to you? You hate liers." I said looking at him softly.

"I just don't know if I can trust you. Plus you ran away one too many times now." Jeff replied his voice getting darker, scaring me. "You will be punished when you come home. And this isn't a choice. I'll be escorting you and the other two tomorrow. I'll see you tomorrow morning, Doll"

He ran over jumping out the window and disappearing into the woods. I saw Slender for a split second and jumped from BEN's jump scare.

"Jesus BEN don't do that!" I yelled beating his head in.

*****Jeff's P.O.V.*****

I ran through the woods finally reaching the door of Slender Mansion.

"L.J! Guess what!" I yelled running into the kitchen to find L.J. eating candy.

"What? I'm kinda busy!" He said showing me the candy.

"It's more important than your fucked up candy!"

"You gotta new knife!" He said with fake enthusiasm.

"No! Even better, Kat's coming home!" I yelled catching the attention of the creepypastas and together we started planning a party for tomorrow evening.

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