Lost In The Woods

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*****Kat's P.O.V.*****

"J-Jeff?" I whispered softly seeing he was asleep. I sighed and started shaking him gently, afraid of what might happen if I do wake him up.

I really wanna go for a walk, but I don't know these woods all that well.

I'll just ask BEN or Tobster.

I walked into BEN's room finding him asleep as well. I found the same with Toby.

Guess I'll go by myself then.

I walked out of Slender Mansion and into the woods enjoying the peace and quiet. I walked for at least ten minutes, until I heard some people whispering. Pretty loudly, mind you.

"I can feel it dude!" One voice said. It sounded masculine so it may be a guy, but I'm not gonna assume gender her. "Slendy must be close. Look at my phone."

"Holy shit, man! The statics insane in here!" Another, which also sounded masculine, replied. "We might actually find hi-"

"Well what do we have here?" the first voice said when they caught sight of me. "A little girl all alone and lost in the woods. Tsk tsk. Now you're ours."

As he finished, he went into a creepypasta form. He was mainly gray. His eyes were red and his hair white. He was handsome alright, but my heart was still debating on Jeff or Kayden.

Dark Link.

The other male transformed into a raven black haired man with red eyes and a health mask with a smile that had pointed teeth on it? Again handsome, but I've already got to pick between two guys. I don't need another.

Dr. Smiley.

"Yes, I believe we have the right to claim you since we found you. Don't you Dark?" Dr. Smiley asked Dark.

"Of course. As you said we did find her after all." Dark said as the two advanced on me.

"H-hey. L-let's just leave the lost little girl alone." I stuttered backing away taking two steps for each step the took forward. They were skilled killers and no one could protect me right now.

I should've taken the risk and woke Jeff up. Or BEN. Hell, I'd even risk waking Toby as long as these creeps wouldn't have been able to get to me.

I turned around and sprinted as fast as I could. I had to make it to the mansion. But, which way is the mansion.

Shit! I'm lost!

I knew I couldn't outrun them forever, so I did what I could to stay away from them.

I was skilled in tree climbing so I did just that to buy me some time.

When I got high enough, I remembered something I saw on the internet.

"Jeff the Killer, I invoke thee! Jeff the Killer, I invoke thee! Jeff the Killer, I invoke thee! Jeff the Killer, I invoke thee! Jeff the Killer, I invoke thee!" I yelled hoping it would work because if not I was jumping out of this tree and hoping I could get away.

Suddenly, everything went dark for a few moments. I heard a few muffled yells of pain. And then my vision came back.

I looked down to see Jeff climbing the tree.

"Oh thank God it worked!" I sighed out realizing I had been holding my breath.

"Why didn't you wake me, stupid? I would've taken you for a walk." He replied. "Now climb on my back and I'll get you out of this tree."

"I-I tried. You wouldn't wake so I went to see if BEN or Toby were awake to take me for the walk and neither were. So I decided I didn't trust anyone else and went on my own." I replied a little nervous. "I-Its not my fault you sleep like a rock."

That's when I fell. Jeff dropped me. When he got to the ground safely he threw me over his shoulder.

"I think we need to implement so rules." He said walking back to the mansion. "Rule number one: I am your owner and you listen only to me. Exception to that rule is Slendy. All creepypastas listen to him including you. Rule number two: You can't go anywhere without me or without my permission. If I have to interupt my precious damn sleep to come help you again, I'm gonna be pissed and I will beat the living shit out of you."

This is ridiculous! I'm not a bitch. Well I mean Imma bitch but not as in a literal dog. Who does he think he is telling me what the fuck to do?! And since is my shit living? Oops! I forgot! Jeff is queen fucking bee around here. Grr. I'm gonna Jane the Killer this jackass real soon. As soon as I get my hands on a knife, I'm gonna show this nigger crazy.

"Enough Jeff! I'm not a dog!" I yelled fighting my way off his shoulder noticing my ankle was sprained and we were in front of the mansion. "This is complete bullshit! I get lost once in these woods, almost getting killed in the process, and you yell at me instead of maybe helping me and comforting me! You really are an asshole! I just wanna go home! Or maybe just wake up to find all of this was a dream! I bet you lied about not killing Kayden, didn't you?!"

"Yeah, I did! Because I knew your insanity wouldn't last! And after your sanity came back you did exactly what I thought you'd do!  You ran right into that bastards arms!" Jeff yelled back.

"Fuck you, fuck this mansion, and fuck all of you damned creepypastas! Now take me home dammit! I wanna see my dad! Let him know I'm okay!" I yelled tears threatening to spill.

"Ha! You really think they're still looking for you!" Jeff laughed psychotically as Kitten walked outside with E.J., Hoodie, Masky, and Marlon. "I saw in last week's newspaper an article where they pronounce you and Kitten, dead! They don't care anymore! After a while, they all stop caring! And you're just the same!"

"No, I'm not! I just wanna be a normal 18 year old and go back to singing Never Gonna Give You Up with my retarded classmates. I want my life back." I screamed the last sentence. "And you'll give it back to me, or you'll have sweet dreams! Now what's it gonna be dear!"

Jeff hadnt been giving me my schizophrenia medication, so the voices had gotten to me. Her name was Viper. She was my darker side who influenced me deeply into doing things that I knew we're wrong but I couldn't stop it.

I began laughing. Not like the ones the evil villains so in the movies, nor was it like the ones people who thought they were crazy did. It was the one you heard ring through an asylum at night when everyone's losing it and hearing those voices driving them close to real insanity.

I had lost it.

And there was no going back.

I finally knew how it felt; how they felt.

I had taken a walk on the creepy side.

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