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*****Kat's P.O.V.*****

As I was walking back to the mansion after cooling off, I heard a loud bang from close behind and ducked just before Slendy could hit me with a tendril (his tentacle things).

I noticed he was carrying something. That something was screaming and telling rather loudly.

"PUT ME DOWN RIGHT NOW DAMMIT!!! I HAVE THE RIGHT TO BE ON MY FEET!!! ARE YOU DEAF OR SOMETHING!?! (my apologies if that offends anyone) HEY GIRLY!!! WOULD YOU TELL MR? TOO TALL OVER HERE TO PUT ME THE HELL DOWN!?!" And she continued on like that as I followed Slendy through the woods to the mansion.

"Slender?" I said gaining his attention.

"Yes, dear child? What is it?" Slendy replied a little agitation clear in his voice.

"Who is she, and why is she screaming like a loon?" I asked making Slendy chuckle.

"All in due time will you get your answers child," Slendy said clearly still agitated by the person he had just carried into the mansion and tied to a chair but not wanting to offend them.

"LET ME GO YOU, PSYCHOS!" They yelled fear beginning to blossom in their eyes.

"If you don't calm the hell down you'll start attracting attention and then you'll have so.ething to be afraid of," I said knowing the other creepypastas could sense fear, especially Slendy who was probably wanting to make this his next victim.

"Child, would you mind watching her while I rest in my office? Oh, and make sure Jeff doesn't get too close to her, would you?" He asked sounding exhausted.

"You can count on me, Slender!" I said enthusiastically. Slendy walked out of the room and the girl began spitting out questions.

"Woah! Woah! Slow down!" I said. "One question at a time."

"Where am I?" She asked.

"Slender mansion," I said like it was no big deal.



"Who's Jeff?"

"Did I hear my name?" Jeff said sauntering into the room, as usual, dodging one of Jane's many traps trying to take off his head.

"Shit. Yeah, you did. And by the way, I'll need your name." I replied pointing to the girl in the chair.

"K-Kitty. K-Kitty Singleton." She said. Jeff fell to the floor cackling as usual.

"Real mature, Jeffrey," Liu said announcing his arrival. Jeff immediately stopped laughing to glare at Kitten who walked in with Liu and E. J. I, in turn, glared at Jeff. "I'm Homicidal Liu, and this is Eyeless Jack, though we just call him E. J., and this is Kitten."

"Hi. I'm Kitty." She said shaking slightly. "Now what the hell is going on?!"

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