A quad sal and a quad sal triple toe 

"I'm more relaxed now Coach" I tell him honestly 

I think with all the Romano business that's been going on, I've figured that I have worse things to worry about. But for now, it is skating I need to focus on 

"Are you sure? Not worried about the quads are you?" he asks raising an eyebrow 

"Nope" I reply going to grab my skipping rope 

"The total scores for Satoko Miyahara of Japan...218.33, she is currently in first place"

"Hmm that's a good score, wouldn't you see Coach?" I ask as I jump rope 

"Charlotte you're acting very out of character right now..." Coach pries 

"I'm all good Coach I promise" .




"The total scores for Evgenia Medvedeva of Russia...227.66, she is currently in first place"

"Now I don't know what happened to you Charlotte but make sure you don't break under pressure alright?" Coach asks while I take a couple more sips out of my water bottle

"Mmmmhmmmm" I reply as I chug the water down 

"The last competitor. Representing Canada, Charlotte Akagi"

"See ya at the Kiss & Cry Coachie" I tell him placing down my water bottle and skating out onto the ice 

I present myself to the crowd before standing in my starting position 

This is it




My program sails smoothly, too smoothly for my liking

I usually screw up later on when everything goes this well 

And here we are the quad sal 

I bend my knees and push up into the air making to pull in extra tight to get that extra 4th rotation 








I quickly jump into the triple toe loop and carry on with my performance

That's a first. This jump seemed so out of hand for me in warm up. Like I was falling consistently and never landing it. I guess I chose a good time to finally get my shit together and land it

I'm overfilled with joy as I skate my step sequence feeling like a free woman

I give it my all here, so I get the extra component score marks 

Despite the bad news I received from Keith the other day, it's not stopping me now from getting the gold 

I pass by the boards and see Yuzu and Javi cheer as I lung into my Ina Bauer before going into a layback spin 

Two more jumps

Two more and I'm done

I exit the spin and give it all I've got to jump into the second and final quad of my program

I go up 





And the landing was wobbly but still on one foot so I had to change into a spread eagle to balance myself out 

My lungs feel tight

My chest feels heavy 

But I still need to fight

For myself

For my Country 

For my friends

For my family

For Yuzuru 

And now it's time to give it all I've got

One last jump in the free

My pic goes down into the ice and I send myself into the air completing the first third of this combo 

I wind up into the triple loop and land it quickly before jumping into the last third of the jump, the double loop 

Finally! Jumps are over with and I'm free to do my last spin 

The sound of Requiem hits it's deepest notes as I hold the final position of my spin, exiting dramatically and finishing in my final pose, sucking in all the air my lungs need

"YES!" I shout pumping a fist in the air 

The crowd goes wild and sit on the cold ice for a while, soaking in all the energy in the arena

It's over

And I have a chance of taking home the gold

Before exiting the ice, I respectfully take my curtsy and skate off to Coach 

"I don't know how you did it, but that was quite a performance you achieved there Charlie" he says wrapping his arms around me

"Thank you Coach. Thank you for believing me" I laugh with happy tears spilling from my eyes

"Now let's go see those points shall we?" 

In this Kiss & Cry we wait and we wait for the scores to be announced 

"Definitely going to be big. History will be made, I can assure you that" Coach says 

"The free skate scores please..."

"Oh! The scores!" I say nervously slapping Coach a bit on the arm

"....186.90. A world record. The total scores...274.76. She is in first place. This concluded the ladies free skate event"  

"You know last year Yuzuru broke his world record and now you" Coach laughs looking up to the score board in the middle of the arena

"I couldn't have done it without you or the guys. Coming to the Cricket Club seems to be the best decision of my life" I reply honestly

And I meant it

The Cricket Club seemed to feel like home not only for my career but for my life in general

And I couldn't be more grateful for everything that came with it

Give me love ( a yuzuru hanyu fanfic) UNDER MAJOR EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now