chapter twelve-Blackjack

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*Mettaton's POV*
I was walking over with the triplets to visit Blooky and Mady (who moved into my old house when I moved in with Papy).
"Hey daddy?" Galaxy asked.
"Yes?" I asked my daughter.
"Last time uncle Blooky and auntie Mady took care of us they said something about being corporeal. What does corporeal mean?" Galaxy asked.
"Well ghosts can only touch ghost object unless, they posses something/someone. When a ghost possess a body they are limited in how much they can move it because it's not really their body. When a ghost becomes corporeal the body fully becomes their own." I explained.
"Oh." Galaxy said.
"I'm so excited! It's been ages since we visited auntie Mady and uncle Blooky!" Pacifico exclaimed.
"I honestly wish we visited them more often. I like being out of the house it means I don't have to deal with uncle Sans." Playball complained. He didn't like his uncle wish never made sense to me. He was a lot like his uncle. Punny, amazing at magic, and good at science. Luckily he wasn't as lazy as Sans though.
"Sweetheart, you have to spend time with both of your uncles." I tried to reason.
"Why, dad? All he does is tell puns and I can do that my skullf." He said smiling.
His siblings started laughing. This kid who loves to tell puns hated Sans. I will never understand.
"I know I'm very humerus." He said tapping his left humerus bone. He won a smile from me, a giggling sister, and a brother who was on the floor laughing with that joke.
My phone started ringing. Before I could answer Galaxy stole it and answer.
"Hello?" She said. I immediately grabbed my phone before the person hung up.
"I'm sorry. Anything I can help you with darling?" I asked.
"METTATON YOU WON'T BELIEVE WHAT JUST HAPPENED!" Alphys screamed into the phone.
"Alphys dear, you need to come down." I tried to sooth her, it didn't work.
"YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND! UNDYNE JUST PURPOSED TO ME!" Alphys continued. I was so happy for her.
"Congratulations! When you have plans tell me when the wedding is. Right now go watch some mew mew kissy cutie to calm down." I instructed her.
"Kay, bye." Alphys said barely containing her excitement.
"Bye darling." I replied. After I said bye I hung up.
"Is Alphys getting married?" Pacifico asked me.
"Yes, she's getting married to Undyne." I told all three of them.
Galaxy started jumping up and down "squee"ing. Playball started telling wedding based puns/jokes. Pacifico was begging me to let him call his papa and tell him.
"Okay. Here." I handed Pacifico my phone after I selected Papy's contact.
"Papa, papa! Alphys and Undyne are getting married!" Pacifico stated excitedly.
While Pacifico talked to Papy I tried to calm Galaxy down.
"Galaxy c'mon let's go see uncle Blooky and auntie Mady. We can tell them the good news." I tried.
"Okay." She stopped.
"And Playball I just calmed your sister down can you let her stay calm?" I reasoned.
"Kay" he stopped with the ridiculous puns.
I grabbed the phone from Pacifico. "Hey babe, how's training?" I asked.
"Pretty uninteresting, the rookie can't even beat the training dummy." Papy said. Papy was now the co-captain of the royal guard.
"Is anyone I know?" I asked curious.
"Yeah, it's kid." Papy said.
"He's an adult now? It feels like yesterday he was a little kid who followed Undyne around." I said realizing how much time has passed since Frisk came to us.
"I know. I think about how much time has passed since then and realize we're still stuck. After all the work that Frisk put in to freeing us and making the humans except us. All of it a waste." Papy sounded sad about it as well.
We both knew what effect it had on Frisk when we were sealed underground again. She felt like she was scum because of what her kind did. It took her two years to get over it. It took her four years after that to be positive and cheerful again.
"Well I better go drop the kids off." I said returning back to reality.
"Yeah, see you later sweet heels." Papy said using the nick name he gave me, I was quite fond of it.
"Bye babe." I said.
"Can we go now?" Pacifico asked.
"Kay I'm coming." I ran to catch up with my babies who had walked ahead.
When the twin houses were in view Pacifico and Galaxy ran ahead, they both wanted to ring the door bell.
Galaxy beat her brother as she always did, and rang the door bell.
Blooky opened the door with a smile. He let Galaxy and Pacifico run inside as me and Playball walked to his house. When we made it to the door Playball went inside with his siblings while me and Blooky talked.
"Thanks for taking care of them." I thank him.
"They're no problem, they listen to my music and ask about what you were like when you were younger."
"You don't tell them do you?" I mentally cringe at what I was like before.
"Yeah, why?" He asked.
"Nothing." I say not wanting to make him feel bad.
"How are things at the house?" He asked.
"Same as ever. How are you and Muffet?" I asked.
Muffet has really helped him come out of his shell. She's also very supportive.
His cheeks colored, "They're fine." He said awkwardly.
"Well have fun with the kids." I said.
"Bye." He said and I walked away.
I walked over to the river person and let them take me across.
"Tra la la. Beware the man who speaks in hands. Tra la la." They said.
"Gaster is my father-in-law and is actually very nice." I said in response.
They gasped. "Gaster is alive?"
"Yes, Lora tried to explain what happened once. It made no sense to me. But Playball, my son, understood every word." I explained.
"Tra la la. Who is this Lora you speak of? Tra la la." The river person asked.
"She's a human girl who fell down about five years ago. She's blind and she's Frisk's daughter." I said.
"Tra la la. Oh yes I remember she rode on my boat once. I thought she had died since she hasn't been on my boat since. I'm glad she didn't, she was kind and sweet. Tra la la." The river person said.
"Why should I beware of Gaster?" I asked.
"Tra la la. He is cruel and unstable. He used his own wife and twin daughters for his experiments. Tra la la." The river person said sadly.
"What do you mean!? If that were true Papy wouldn't let him anywhere near the triplets." I said defensively.
"Tra la la. Gaster didn't have any other children. Who is this Papy? Tra la la." The river person asked.
"Papyrus? Sans' younger brother." I said.
"Tra la la. I'm not sure who you are talking about. I'm talking about. I'm talking about Blackjack Gaster. Tra la la." The river person said.

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