Chapter seven

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**Cassie POV**
I walked Victoria to the nurse's office. When we told the nurse the problem, she had asked us who hit her in the throat. I looked over at Victoria and she gave me a small nod of approval and I told the nurse that Taylor hit her.
She nods hands me a pass and tells me I could go back to class.
On my way back to class I began wondering why Victoria didn't just back off ofTaylor like I told her to. From day one she knew he was a dick and not to mess with him.
**Victoria POV**
After Cassie leaves, the nurse gives me some Tylenol for the pain and let me lay down for a while. She then leaves and goes toward the main office. After a while, I finally don't feel the pain anymore. So, I stand up and ask the nurse if I could leave. She writes me a pass and I head towards third period- theatre.
-Later that night-
Cassie ends up calling me later that night. She just wanted to make sure I was ok and that my throat was doing better. I told her yes- everything was ok and I was feeling better.
I hadn't exactly told my mom what happened.
She finally figured it out when the school called the house.
When I came out of my room my mom began interrogating me.
"So what were you and Cassie talking about?" she began with.
"Oh you know. Girl stuff" I said.
There was an awkwardly long pause.
"Does girl stuff count as getting hit in the throat?"
I just stop in the middle of what I was doing and turn to face her. She had an unreadable face. it seemed like she was angry and confused and concerned all at once.
"Victoria why didn't you just tell me?"
"I just didn't want you worrying about it. it's not a big deal."
"Did you know the Taylor boy that did it is suspended?"
Half of me felt guilty. Maybe I shouldn't have told the nurse it was him and told her I did it myself.
"How long will he be suspended?" I ask.
"Close to two weeks sweetie."
And the other half of me was excited.
Two weeks with no head shoved up my ass? Yes please!
-At school-
School without Taylor is pure bliss.
Like, imagine rainbows and chocolate and super hot boys and kittens that loved to be cuddled all in the same room.
Like I said pure bliss.
First period sets my whole day. and usually I would get shoved into lockers and have a shitty day.
But now my days have been amazing. I have not been more rested in my life.
I haven't been like this in what seems like forever.
Cassie seemed to notice.
We were waking around at the park and talking when Cassie says "Woah. Who let the Victoria out?"
I just laugh.
"Wait what's that I hear? Is this laughter? Holy smokes folks. Put this down in history. Victoria is laughing."
I playfully push her.
That turns into a full out wrestling war.
When I finally pin Cassie to the ground, both of us sweaty, I just kiss her on the cheek and run yelling "Get me now bitch!"
We run around in the park until it's so dark that we end up tripping over each other's heels.
Sorry this chapter isn't very long guys.
I think I'll make them shorter but update almost everyday.
Or do you guys like that or really long chapters but it takes a few days for me to update?
Comment what you like better

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