Chapter 72: Come Again

Start from the beginning

"It's marijuana—"


"What? Everyone has their flaws... You think Ryan and I bonded over our love for fashion?"

Of course! Why else would Ryan be so close with someone...

"No, but You have such a bright future. Why would you risk that? I mean, you're the best player on the football team, and aren't you  already getting offers to go pro?"

"It's not my future, it's my dad's future. He was great at football and always wanted to play professionally. One day on the field, he collided with someone too hard and... long story short they said he'd never be cleared to play again... This is one thing I can do that my dad doesn't dictate—"

"I'm sorry to hear," I insisted, "but drugs aren't the way to go—"

"Tell that to your boyfriend in there. I do steroids too by the way, if that wasn't obvious..."

I looked down to the ground for a few moments before his words sank in.

"Wait, how long has it been?"

"Since what?"

"Since he's... you know... sold you anything"

"He doesn't sell to me—"

"Oh thank gosh—"

"He just gives them to me for free..."

My jaw dropped.

"You're not serious are you Tony? Please tell me hat was a cruel joke..."

"That definitely wasn't a joke—"

"What?! Why—"

"Hold on now, before you start freaking out, Ryan has actually been helping me become less and less dependent on the drugs. I'm not out looking for a way to get my next fix, and gradually I've been doing less—"

"How long has this been going on?!"

"Ever since he stopped and came back a 'changed man.' I still can't believe he's actually clean, but I'm proud of him..."

"What are you gonna do when he leaves?" I asked concernedly, "you can't go back to doing drugs like you used to—"

"I know... I dont know what I'm going to do... Believe it or not, Ryan is like a best friend to me. I know that might sound weird to say since he's my teacher and all, but —"

"Trust me, I think him being my secret lover is way worse than him being your best friend."

Tony and I exchanged laughs and all of a sudden, someone's hands gripped my waist. I felt breath on my neck and pushed awayto turned around as fast as I could.

"JESUS you scared me—"

"I'm definitely not Jesus," Ryan laughed, "What are you doing hanging out with this guy?"

"Love you too—"

"How's that 'cigarette'?" Ryan interrupted, "You didn't offer anything to Savannah did you?"

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