He sighed. "I know, I'm sorry. Now, do you feel like you know how to behave like a princess about to be crowned a true queen?"

"Yeah, Gavin," Corinne said smugly. "I know exactly how to rule an entire kingdom all by myself in a brand new world at the age of sixteen. Of course I don't think I will ever be ready, but I will try to do the best I can. You have taught me everything I could possibly think of and more. At least I know how to hold a teacup properly, and curtsy to all of the right people."

"Alright, alright, I know you have learned quickly," he said, as he grabbed both of her hands in his own. "Promise me that you will be smart and not trust anyone until we arrive okay?"

She knew he was worried about her, but this time he had good reason. "I will try Gavin. Don't worry," she said, as she gave him a great big hug.

Bria said, "Give it a rest, Gavin. She will be fine. She is a strong girl, and if she is meant to be this true queen, then she will prove to all of us her capabilities. Give her a little credit. Geez!"

Thank you, Bria!

She always knew what to say.

"I'm just anxious Corinne," he grabbed her hand, "I don't want you to get hurt." He said looking up. She noticed he was still holding her hand.

"I know," she said quietly.

He dropped her hand and continued hiking through the forest. Corinne was worried about the Harrisons calling the police when they realized she was missing.

"I'm sure they are searching for you at this very moment. Everyone will be looking for the two of you. It will make headlines. Eventually their leads will run out and the search will stop. They will think you are just another set of runaways who stole a truck, got in with the wrong crowd, did drugs or they might think you were kidnapped once they find the truck at the Muir Woods. Who knows?"

Corinne's stomach dropped and she felt sick. How could she have done this to them? Gavin noticed her concern and put his hand on her shoulder, "Corinne you HAD to leave. There were no other options. With time, they will move on."

"Wait, it feels like you just used them"

"We did, Corinne. They served a greater purpose." Gavin said as he pushed a branch out of the way.

"But what about Bria? You know the plan was to only have her stay for a short period of time. How will she explain when she gets back?"

Sighing with a hint of frustration, Gavin said, "She was never part of the plan to begin with. Because she refused to stay behind, we will let her help us get you to safety and then she will return home immediately. We will have to make up a story for what happened to the both of you and how she got away. I don't know. It's complicated everything."

"I'm right here you know Gavin." Bria said. "Anyways, I'm not going to let my best friend go to some world she's never heard of with people trying to hurt her. What kind of friend do you think I am?"

"What about your family Bria? Did you ever think about that? Do you know how difficult this is going to be for them?"

Bria stomped through the brush, "Yes, as a matter of fact I do. I think I will help my friend survive first and then go back home to my family and ask for forgiveness."

Gavin blew out his breath, "And how do you plan on helping her survive in a world you know nothing about?"

"Stop it you two! I know we are all on edge but let's just try to get along okay?" Corinne pleaded.

"Fine!" they both said in unison.

They continued pushing their way through the dense forest. The air smelt like fresh rain and dirt. They stepped over logs and the branches scratched at their legs. After hiking for a while Gavin said, "I have to leave you two to go and get supplies. I can fly a lot quicker or I would just bring you with me. I'll only be gone for a moment. Do not move. Stay hidden under that large rock over there."

Reina: Return of the Princess (*COMPLETE*)Where stories live. Discover now