Chapter 32

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"But how are we going to get there?" Fitz asked, "the Neverseen probably already found a way in Aluveterre," he glared at Keefe.

"Hey it's not my-" Keefe started to protest but Dex cut him off.

"My mom will probably give us a riddle or something," Dex said.

"Or we could just make your mom tell us where's their new hideout," Keefe suggested.

Dex scowled at him.

"Wait when all of you guys are talking about the black swan, on the other hand what about the forbidden cities and Amy?" Biana said, "doesn't she need us as well?" She looked at Sophie.

"Well yeah..."

Fitz opened his mouth to talk but Keefe shoved his face with his hand, "yeah, I already know what your going to say, but then how are we going to be there at the same time?" He mimicked Fitz's voice sounding a little bit more high pitched than suppose-ed ( sorry if spelt wrong,) which made him sound like Biana.

They all laughed, and Fitz glared at him.

"No I would never say that," Fitz argued pushing Keefe's hand away from his face, "what I was about to say was-"

"Nuh uh," Keefe said pushing his hand back onto Fitz's face, "no more talking for you Fitsy boy," his Della voice sounded much crispier and weird.

Biana and Sophie laughed and Dex joined in after he figured out who Keefe was mimicking.

"So anyways back on topic," Fitz said giving Keefe his hardest glare, Keefe tried to push his hand back but Fitz knew so he moved out of the way before Keefe could touch him and Keefe swung the air, almost falling, "how are we supposed to be there at the same time?"

Keefe snorted and Biana giggled.

"I think we need to reschedule the living in the forbidden cities, actually depending on what the Black Swan wants us to do," Sophie said scratching her hair.

Fitz nodded and everyone looked at Dex.

"What?" He asked.

"I think we need you to ask your mom-"

"But I've tried and she wouldn't tel!" Dex interrupted Keefe.

"Then try a bit harder," Fitz suggested.

"Trust me Wonderboy, I've tried hard enough, she's not going to budge."

"Maybe you could try and trick your mom into telling you," Biana said, "like what Sophie does."

Sophie blushed as Keefe clapped and mimicked screaming fans.

"I guess I could try..."

"But Amy," Biana pouted, Sophie knew that she was excited to give Amy her special Biana makeovers and get to know more about Amy.

"But on the other hand, you'll have to eat bananas." Sophie said.

Dex and Keefe mimicked barfing, Biana made a face and Fitz just stared at his pants.

"I still don't get why you guys could hate bananas so much," Sophie grumbled.

"There was this super weird scene when me, Fitz and Biana visited the forbidden cities," Dex said, "there were a bunch of old- I guess old, asking me if I were taken, it was super weird!"

"What did you say?" Sophie asked.

"I didn't really know what he was saying at first but then Fitz translated and I said no."

Biana grimaced, "yeah, that super duper weird!"

"It's getting really dark," Fitz said, "Sophie do you need me to walk you home?"

"No it's team Foster-Keefe for life and I'm walking Foster to her house," Keefe argued.

"No I think it should be Sophex and I should be doing it!" Dex protested.

"NO, I think Sophie should need a-"

"Wait who said I need to be walked home? I'm perfectly fine walking by myself!"


Sophie jumped when she felt a hand on her shoulder, she turned around and saw a smirking Keefe.

"Did I scare ya Foster!"

"KEEFE! You weren't supposed to follow me!" She was walking to the leaping crystals, "I suppose Biana's here."

Biana appeared holding Dex and Fitz's hands.

Sophie groaned.

"I know right, I thought that this would be a Foster-Keefe time."

"Nuh uh!" Dex exclaimed, "it's a DexsterKeefe time."

Biana shook her head, ""nope it's a BianexFoster-Keefe time-"

"NO IT'S A BIANEXSOPHITZKEEFE TIME!" Fitz shouted, "what?" He asked when everybody stared at him.

"It doesn't have the same ring to it," Dex and Keefe said at the same time.

"And you think yours' have a ring?!"

They both nodded and Fitz harrumphed.

As the 3 boys were arguing Biana came to Sophie, "when do you think that we are going to be in the  forbidden cities?"

"I don't know but I hope it's soon."

"Yeah, me too."

"I'll see you guys tomorrow," Sophie announced, "Havenfield."

With a flashing light she disappeared.


I was literally singing to every sentence that I wrote...

LOL ;)

As promised, there was a 3rd chapter.


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