Chapter 11

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"Welcome back," Della greeted her with a bear hug as soon as she walked into their mansion in the forbidden cities and just a normal house in the elvin world.

"Is it time?" She asked Alden and he nodded.

"Hold on, where are you guys going?" Della playfully asked as she pecked a kiss on Fitz's and Biana's cheeks.

"I'm coming too!" Fitz exclaimed immediately and Dex, Keefe and Biana said the same thing.

"I promised for Sophie to go. Alone." Alden said firmly, "we cannot have 2 children in the forbidden cities, one not knowing what he's doing."

"Hey," Fitz said looking offended, "I was the one who took Sophie to our dimension and plus, that's 2 elves at a time!"

Alden just shook his head, stubbornly.

"Aw come on!" Keefe groaned.

As much as she wanted Fitz to come, her sister would not be very comfortable. Sophie knew how she struggled at first to meet new people. Then became a popular popstar! Sophie didn't know how Amy did it, so she just shrugged.

"I just want to meet my sister as soon as possible." Sophie added.

"Ooo! Does your sister like makeup, is she super popular?" Biana asked and Sophie nodded, "then I can go and discuss makeup stuff, fashion, about being the most popular girl in her school..." Biana pleaded.

"Maybe Dex could come," Dex who had been silent this whole time sprang up from his seat, "I mean, Amy wouldn't open the door to anyone so Dex could do his tech thing to get it opened."

Alden looked at the clock, "I think it's time to go."

Sophie nodded.

"Can I at least come?" Fitz pleaded as Keefe, Biana and Dex watched them.

"Not this time, come on Sophie," Alden motioned her to follow him and Sophie gave her friends sorry looks.

Alden pulled out his pathfinder and suddenly with a flash of light, they were outside Amy's house. "I'll give you 20 minutes," Alden told her.

"Okay," she flashed him her most comfortable smile, trying not to freak out or collapse. She put her hand on the doorknob and remembered she had to knock.

"It's me, Sophie," Sophie shouted when no one answered the door. The front door swung open with Amy standing in front of her.

"Hi Sophie..." Amy said quietly, "what do you want?"

"I just want to ask you some questions." Sophie told her firmly, she was surprised her voice didn't falter.

"Oh, come in," Amy motioned her to come into her house, "what about the questions?"

"How um... ur... mom and dad got kidnapped." She gulped loudly enough for the whole street to hear!

"Wait!" Amy's face twisted into confusion and anger, "how do I know that you didn't participate in the kidnapping?"

"You can trust me, " Sophie told her, "the people who kidnapped them, their our enemies so I'm trying to figure them out..." She just told Amy about the Neverseen...

"Okay.." Amy still stood her ground, "why did you... disappear... gone." She spit.

"Can we talk about that later. I only have 20 minutes."

"Sure." Amy grumbled, "so start..."

"Okay, what exactly  happened, and tell me. Every. Single. Detail!" 

Amy's face turned into anger, impatience and another feature like she was hiding something...

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