Chapter 3

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They found Elwin gathering his stuff ready to go. 

"What did you do now?" Elwin asked when Sandor set her on a bed still with the picture of her wearing her mastodon costume from last year, her tail was between her legs.

"Twisted my ankles." She told him as he flashed the orb on her leg. Grady had made her take off her costume and Edaline was holding her gloved hand.

Mr. Forkle, the leader of Black Swan had made her wear gloves when he gave her enhancing powers. Sophie still cried herself to sleep over the loss of her "creator." Gethen had slashed Mr. Forkle also known as Magnate Leo and Sir Astin with the sword in his cell when he made the whole building collapse. Now two of the people she loved were dead-- Mr. Forkle and Calla.

Sometimes she would visit Calla's tree with Fitz and Keefe pleading to tag along.

"Here drink this." Elwin said giving her a bottle of youth and interrupting her thoughts.

Sophie reluctantly swallowed the sweet liquid, she felt better and Elwin rubbed a yellow slushish gel on her ankles and instantly she felt rejuvenated.

"Thanks." She told Elwin as Edaline helped her zip her zipper.


Immediately Biana, Fitz, and Keefe joined Sophie outside, blushing when Fitz wrapped his hand around hers. 

"Me and your mom will find seats, Sandor you can come with us."

Sandor shook his head. "My job is to keep Miss. Foster safe." Sophie glared at him.

"Gigantor is no use when we got three other bodyguards ." Keefe said pointing at Grizel, Waltzer and Lovise earning a glare from Sandor.

"I found a way to vanish several people at a time." Biana said vanishing and whispering into Sophie's ear."

Biana and Dex wore identical dragon costumes, and Keefe and Fitx wore their regular foxfire uniforms.

"Why are you guys wearing foxfire uniforms?" Dex asked, his periwinkle eyes flashing in the light.

"Magnate Leo just made an announcement, didn't you hear?" Fitz asked Dex and Sophie.

Sophie cringed.

"Sorry, I know that he's technically de-"

"Anyways," Keefe said interrupting the awkward silence, "we could always do..."

Keefe said more but her thoughts fanned them out. What did Mr. Forkle mean by his identities have their ways, no one knew that Mr. Forkle had died except for Councillor Oralie, Fitz, Biana, Dex, Grady, Edaline and Keefe because he was an empath and empaths made it impossible to lie to.

"Earth to Foster! Did you hear what I just said?" Keefe asked her.

"Um... Sorry no."

"I sssaaaaiiiiddd that maybe we should play a run-away-from-the-bodyguards, Biana said she could vanish several people, remember."

"And I said that you can't run from us- goblins- we can smell your scent and don't even think about it." Sandor interrupted as Grizel patted his back making him stand straighter.

"But there is one way to fool the goblins." Fitz told him as Keefe put his arm around her.

Sandor turned around and muttered something about stubbornness.

"Okay, I guess we should go now... For the ceremony." She added when Fitz gave her a look.

"Yeah, I don't want to miss all the candy." Dex added and Sophie checked her dozens of pockets on her costume.

"Bring some for us!" Keefe shouted as they walked towards the stage.

"Don't worry we won't!" Briana shouted back which earned her a smile from Sophie and Dex and a scowl from Keefe.

Bring some candy for us, please,  Fitz transmitted. 

Mr. Forkle had taught Fitz how to get in her not so impenetrable mind when they were planning to ambush the Neverseen at Mount Everest. Sophie hadn't minded it so much, they were cognates anyways. Just the thought of that made her touch the cognate ring Fitz had gave her for midterms and it had her initials on it- S.E.F- Sophie Elizabeth Foster- and- F.A.V- Fitzroy Avery Vacker.

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