Chapter 14

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Sophie finally opened the front doors to Foxfire, Magnate Leo was in the middle of his usual morning announcement, she had forgotten the most important clothing in her uniform, the cape, Dex had once told her that it was a symbol for nobility, then when she was finally on her way Sophie realized she had forgotten her schedule at home, Sophie had brought it home instead of leaving it in her locker.

Sophie finally released the breath she was holding, luckily the classes haven't began yet, Councillor Bronte would lecture her for the whole class! She rushed to his office immediately after Magnate Leo finished his announcement and found the councillor sitting in front of the mirror.

"Sophie, what a surprise, I was just thinking about how you were going to be late again, but you've surprised me."

Sophie glared at him, behind his back. "So what are your plans for today?" Sophie asked him.

"I want you to practice inflicting on me," he said smugly.

"Seriously?!" Sophie asked and the councillor glared at her.

"Go ahead," he told her interrupting the awkward silence.

She tried to find her anger and rubbed the spot behind her ribs, as of now, there was no anger or sadness that she could find.

Sophie tried digging deeper, she thought about how Fintan, Alvar, Ruy, Brant and Gethen had planned the attack on the councillors, she felt anger swirling around, Gethen had killed Mr. Forkle, her fat bellied weird amazing neighbour. Sadness mixed with the anger and she tried not to sob. But Mr. Forkle had managed to push Brant under a falling piece of the roof, Ruy hadn't been there to protect him so Brant was killed. She felt angry again, Brant was the pyrokinetic who killed Jollie and left Grady and Edaline suffering for 17 years, he kept on pretending that he was also suffering but Sophie figured put that he was the one with the Neverseen!

She let her instincts take over, Sophie felt like there was a flaming angry monster in her mind or unless had she become one? Sophie slowly opened her eyes to find councillor Bronte wiggling on the ground and shaking really hard. She tried to snap him out of the pain, nothing had worked so she went down to the healing centre to ask Elwin.

"Are you injured?" Elwin asked.

"No, Councillor Bronte wanted me to practice inflicting on him and now he's just not waking up! I'm really sorry-"

"There's nothing to be sorry about, he asked you to inflict," Elwin reassured her as he pulled out some healing panakes, Sophie felt sadness as she thought about her friend, Calla who had sacrificed herself because of the ogres.

"Rub this on his chest," Elwin told her and she nodded, "well be on your way." He rushed her out and Sophie ran up the stairs to councillor Bronte, immediately rubbing the panake on his chest.

Councillor Bronte sat up grumbling about something.


I'll see you tomorrow for 2 more new chapters!


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